Pictured above, from left to right, are: Dick Burke, MAC Executive Director; Steve Hobbs, MAC 3rd Vice President; Becky Schofield, MAC Past President; Mr. Borgenson; Mary Ann Borgenson, NACO Vice-President; Clint Tracy, MAC President; Susette Taylor, MAC 2nd Vice-President; Batina Dodge, MAC Treasurer; and Phil Rogers, MAC 1st Vice-President. 

The Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) hosted the 47th Annual Conference & Expo November 18-20, 2018, at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Camden County, Osage Beach, Missouri. More than 700 people, including county elected officials, sponsors and exhibitors were in attendance at the three-day conference, which featured informational training and networking sessions on topics designed to enhance local government. 

“The services county governments provide to their citizens are important to the growth of our communities and to our state, as a whole,” said Dick Burke, executive director for the Missouri Association of Counties. “Our annual conference is the perfect opportunity for county officials to learn and understand about new laws that were passed, or discuss other topics that are critical to the day-to-day operation of local government.”

The annual conference gives MAC members the opportunity to establish their legislative priorities for 2019, and elect new officers and board members. The opening session included keynote speakers with the highlight being Governor Mike Parson who spoke to attendees about the importance of workforce development and infrastructure that will put Missouri on the right track for growth in the future. The session ended with Mary Ann Borgenson, first vice president of the National Association of Counties (NACo), who gave an overview on the federal policy agenda that NACo is advocating for in Washington, D.C. 

Following the morning’s general sessions, there were several rounds of educational breakout sessions covering numerous county government issues. The day concluded with an evening banquet where the 2019 officers were sworn in. Among those installed was Atchison County Clerk Susette Taylor, who will serve as the 2019 2nd Vice President of the Missouri Association of Counties. The conference concluded on Tuesday with Mark Godfrey, director of the Taxation Division for the Missouri Department of Revenue, and Geoffrey Jenista, Department of Homeland Security Cyber Security Advisor.