January 13, 1994
• Little Brooke Renee Kirkpatrick was the 1994 New Year’s Baby at Community Hospital in Fairfax. Brooke was born January 6, weighing 7 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces, and 19 inches long. She is the daughter of Dean and Sonia Kirkpatrick of Westboro.
• “Over the Backfence” by Nancy Gaines: “Was so glad Dr. Hunter got to go to Hawaii to a doctor’s meeting. And did you know Patty Sue Simmons’ husband was one of the speakers? Small world. Patty is the daughter of Tom and Barbara Simmons.”
January 9, 1969
• Melvin Ryan Rogers was the New Year’s baby at the Fairfax Community Hospital, arriving January 1 at 1:31 in the afternoon. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rogers and he has a sister, Leigh Ann, age 2 1/2.
• Secretary M.D. Mulvania, Fairfax Kiwanis Club, was given an unusual citation at the installation meeting December 31 by Lt. Gov. Pete Barbee. He was awarded a tab for his lapel button denoting 25 years of perfect attendance.
January 14, 1944
• Carl McIntyre, 19 year-old 4-H Club member of Corning, Missouri, put the cap sheaf on a brilliant pig club career at the last International Fat Stock Show. His classy purebred Hampshire barrow “Mac Arthur” won the grand champion award over all breeds in the junior barrow show and reserve championship over all breeds in the open class. Carl’s barrow weighed 262 pounds at 7 months of age and topped the sale at $1.35 a pound.
• Edward White closed a contract Friday of last week for the purchase of the Freet farm, two miles north of Fairfax, buying it from Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Freet. The farm contains 120 acres and the price was $125 per acre.