January 14, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Peck of northwest Rock Port had lately had a blanket and 4×6 rug hanging on a clothesline for airing. They were left out overnight. Then they turned up missing and could not be found about the premises. Searching in the garden plot, where there was some snow, Mr. Peck also discovered that someone had bodily dug up and carried away a small cherry tree, which R. V. says reduces his orchard 50%. Mr. Peck says he wonders whether the thief will wrap himself in the blanket, sit down on the rug and eat cherries. Carrying away loose articles is something that may be expected, but when a thief goes so far as to dig up a growing tree, well, that’s going above the limit.

January 16, 1969

Dean Curnutt was selected for Who’s Who in the Midwest. He will appear in the 12th edition. He was selected in the field of business administration. Dean graduated from Rock Port High School in 1947 and from Tarkio College in 1951. In that year he was selected for Who’s Who in Methodism. 

The Blue Jay B team beat Hamburg 78 to 40, January 7. Gary Amthor took scoring honors with 16 points, all coming in the fourth quarter. Others hitting in double figures were Mike Cox, 14 points, and Randy Bunn, 12 points.

Charles Bryan Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hardin C. Cox, received the highest award in Scouting, the Eagle Scout Award, in ceremonies Sunday morning at the Christian Church in Rock Port. This was the fist time an Eagle Scout award had been presented in Troop 59 during regular church services at any church in Rock Port.

January 13, 1994

Little Brooke Kirkpatrick kept everyone in suspense of who the first “1994 – New Year’s Baby” would be by teasing her mother and waiting until January 6 at 5:36 p.m. to make her entry into the world. Anticipation was rising for both the parents and hospital personnel. Parents of the little miss are Dean and Sonia Kirkpatrick, Westboro. Brook weighed 7 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces and is 19 inches long.

On Saturday, January 8, the Savannah, Stanberry and Central J.V. wrestling teams traveled to Rock Port to compete in the Rock Port Quad. Rock Port ruled the mat that day. When the final buzzer sounded and the mats cleared, it was Rock Port standing alone. The Jays, behind six individual first placings, won the quad with a total of 169 points. Savannah took second with 128, Central J.V. third with 61, and Stanberry 4th with 34. Ryan Cook, Garrett Schomburg, Brady Owen, Dana Brion, Tim Moran and Reno Herron all took first place.