Peru State College recently announced the President’s and Dean’s List for the spring 2019 semester. Students representing Nebraska, 34 other states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and 6 foreign countries are on the lists.

To make the President’s List students must have a grade point average of 4.0 for the semester, have completed at least 12 graded credit hours during the past semester, have no incomplete grades for the semester and be degree seeking.

To make the Dean’s List students must have a grade point average between 3.50 and 3.99 for the semester, have completed at least 12 graded credit hours during the past semester, have no incomplete grades for the semester and be degree seeking.

Atchison County residents who were honored are:

President’s List – Melissa Crawford, Fairfax;  Tristan Bryan Henagan, Rock Port; Katarina Marie Robertson, Tarkio; Tabitha Alaine Gibson, and Dalton William Jones, Watson.

Dean’s List – Emily Joan Bremer, Brianna Lynn Gutierrez, Okema Mary Rose Hale, Christopher Lyn Sticken, Rock Port.