By Kay Gibson
The Watson Quilters had to cancel on short notice last week due to the railroad boys putting some gravel in front of the community building where their trucks had made deep ruts.
The 82nd Watson Alumni Banquet was held Saturday night with 30 people attend- ing. It was an afternoon of water rising, closing roads, and wondering if you could get back home, so the atten- dance was down. We all had a good time, a good supper
and lots of visiting. I do want to thank Jody and Drew for setting up the tables for us. I also want to thank Betty Chamberlain, Jerre Rob- ertson, Sue Bright, and the Atchison County Court- house for the pictures of the streets of Watson. Also the Atchison County Mail for making our placemats for us; they were a big hit.
We brought the streets inside and had a picnic, an unusual bingo game with lots of prizes and excellent food.