The Atchison County Commission met Tuesday, May 28, 2019. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South Dis- trict Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meet- ing to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

Clerk Taylor reported that Attorney Ivan Schraed- er contacted the office follow- ing last Thursday’s meeting (May 23) and approved send- ing the newly dated cease and desist order as drafted. It was sent by certified mail on May 24, 2019.

As scheduled, Emergency Management Director Rhon- da Wiley was present for dis- cussion on updating the flood ordinance for the county to comply with current recom- mendations from FEMA. After much discussion it was decided to go with an in- crease of two feet above base flood elevation for any new or substation improvements and to increase the fine from up to $10 per day to up to $10,000 per day for noncom- pliance. After changes were made to the draft, copies were printed and given to each commissioner, as well as Flood Plains Administra- tor Wiley, to review. Final vote is scheduled for May 30. Holt County Commission was advised by phone of the changes Atchison County is planning to make to the Flood Plain Ordinance, as they too are looking at up- dating to meet FEMA rec- ommendations.

Director Wiley and the commissioners continued their discussion about the bridge on 250th Street, and levees to the north on both sides of the Tarkio River levee levels and where the level of the water was on the bridge when water was run- ning over both levees.

Director Wiley took video

and pictures which shows river level was at least one foot below the beam that supports the flooring of the bridge at the time it was running over both levees. That supports the data which was received last year verifying levee height on the east side of the Tarkio River. It was also noted that at the time there was major debris (trees and cornstalks) possi- bly causing some increase to the height of the river on the bridge and yet it was still lower than one foot and run- ning over both east and west levees.

Discussion was held to consider contracting with a certified firm to shoot eleva- tion along various points of the railroad tracks after the flood water recedes and the tracks are rebuilt in order to have actual numbers for fu- ture flooding events. Every- one was in agreement and this will be pursued at the appropriate time.

Discussion followed about the need for drones and pos- sible grant funding avail- abilities to supply them. Nothing was voted on. Direc- tor Wiley will gather infor- mation for possible options. Drones would be helpful to the county for damage as- sessment both during and after an event.

Binoculars were also dis- cussed, as Director Wiley felt at least two good pair are needed. Director Wiley stressed the need for one pair available in her vehicle and an additional pair for the commission to utilize while assessing levees and water levels/locations. Di- rector Wiley will get infor- mation on binoculars strong enough to be useful in these situations.

Director Wiley shared current situation status updates of today’s severe weather and flooding events around the county.

There being no further business, the commission


The Atchison County Commission met Thurs- day, May 30, 2019. Present

were: Presiding Commis- sioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commission- er Jim Quimby, South Dis- trict Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meet- ing to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

The commission called in Sheriff Dennis Martin, Road & Bridge Supervisor Adam Meyer and Emergency Man- agement Director Rhonda Wiley to discuss arising is- sues related to the second closing of northbound I-29. MoDOT has placed barric- cades with a hard closure on the entrance to I-29 going north at the 110 mile mark- er (mm). This hard closure has created safety concerns for the residents of Watson. Also present and voicing concerns and questions was W.C. Farmer, publisher of the Atchison County Mail. Presiding Commissioner Livengood requested input from Sheriff Martin and Emergency/E-911 Director Wiley, who both had con- cerns about safety issues with this hard closure. Ev- eryone agreed that Route B is not in good enough shape to be used as an emergency entrance or exit. Sheriff Martin and Presiding Com- missioner Livengood were in contact with MoDOT to ex- press these concerns and see if they could find a solution.

Representative Allen An-

drews stopped in to see if he

could be of any assistance

and was informed of the sit-

uation. He immediately con-

tacted the head of MoDOT

and placed him on speaker

phone with the commission.

Presiding Commissioner

Livengood requested a soft

closure at the 110mm and a

hard closure at the 116mm of

I-29 with signage that states

local traffic only. Those who

are not local will be routed

back off I-29 at the 116mm

and routed right back onto

I-29 south. This would allow

this option with the district, which he would do and get back to Representative An- drews with the information. Commissioner Livengood thanked him for taking the call.

Director Wiley made a formal request to SEMA for additional assistance with monitoring the road clo- sures.

Clerk Taylor then visited with the departments about Workforce Development Funds that are now avail- able due to the disaster dec- laration. Each department was requested to provide a list of additional needs of manpower and equipment that might be needed to as- sist with clean-up when the time arrives. Clerk Taylor will compile the lists and provide the information to Lisa Hostettler with Work- force Development, who will facilitate the grant.

The commission then finalized the review of re- visions made to the Flood Plain Ordinance.

The commissioners voted to adopt Flood Plain Ordi- nance 02-2019. The ordi- nance is on file in the Clerk’s office.

There being no further business, the commission


The Atchison County Commission met Tuesday, June 4, 2019. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meet- ing to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved.

Month-end department reports were reviewed and approved.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

Rhonda Wiley, Emer- gency Management/E-9-1-1 Director, was in to report on department matters and up- date the commission on an upcoming meeting related to the disaster declaration.

At 11:15 a.m. the commis- sion participated in a con- ference call led by Kim Mild-

ward with the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments. Commis- sioners from the five county region participated in the call to review the Northwest Workforce Development Board meeting packet prior to the meeting that will be held later today. All com- missioners were given the opportunity to ask questions as the information was pre- sented. All commissioners expressed that it was a lot of information, as the agenda was 47 pages long.

Clerk Taylor reminded the commission that the kick-off meeting for FEMA Disaster Declaration – 4435- DR will be held on June 5 at the Velma Houts Building.

Barry Minter contacted the commission about this- tles on the pasture ground adjacent to the landfill. Pre- siding Commissioner Liven- good contacted the renter and told them of the con- cerns, and said the county would pay for the chemical if the renter paid the ap- plication. The commission will have the lay-down site sprayed at the same time the pasture is sprayed.

There being no further business, the commission


The Atchison County Commission met Thurs- day, June 6, 2019. Present were: Presiding Commis- sioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commission- er Jim Quimby, South Dis-

trict Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meet- ing to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

Amie Schleicher was in to introduce summer intern, Brianna Justice from Or- egon, Missouri, to the com- missioners. This internship will complete her require- ments for an Associate’s degree in Ag from North Central Missouri College in Trenton. Amie also in- troduced Debbie Bennett, the new County Engage- ment Specialist in Nutrition and Health. The commis- sion welcomed them both to Atchison County Extension.

Brandt Shields forwarded a copy of the letter signed by the entire Missouri con- gressional delegation that was submitted to President Donald Trump and the ad- ministration in support of Missouri’s appeal regarding FEMA’s denial of individ- ual assistance for Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Holt and Platte Counties relating to the devastating March 2019 flood events.

Road and Bridge Super- visor Adam Meyer was in to discuss road and bridge matters.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.