Submitted by
Linda Kaye Payton
The Allen Schiffern American Legion Auxiliary Unit 199 met June 13, 2019, with 10 members answering roll call. Linda Kaye Payton called the meeting to order. Pam Meek gave the invocation and led us in the Pledge Of Allegiance to our Flag. The Preamble was recited by all.
Barb Hines read the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes were approved following correction. Sheridan Mires gave the treasurer’s report which was accepted as reported. There were no communications to discuss. Sheridan reminded us that we need to keep on top of our individual hours and money spent from our projects. Sheridan discussed a need for purses to be donated for a project that would assist homeless and/or battered women.
Installation of District 4 officers will be September 14, 2019, and will be held at the Legion Post 199. Our Department President will be in attendance. The menu was discussed and members present signed up for various salads and desserts and snacks prior to the meeting. When we meet in August we will finalize the meal plan.
Next came the election of officers. The following people will represent Unit 199 for 2019-2020: President, Linda K Payton; 1st Vice President, Barb Hines, plus she was appointed to Recording Secretary; 2nd Vice President, KC Hines; Secretary/Treasurer, Sheridan Mires; Historian, Donna Payne; Chaplain, Pam Meek; and Sgt.-at-Arms, Judy Woody. Unit 199 appreciates all of you for stepping up. Installation of these and other unit officers will be in Burlington Junction in August; date will be announced later.
There was no further business to be discussed. Pam gave the Benediction. Judy retired the colors. The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be August 12, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. No meeting will be held in July.