July 7, 1944
• Four stars are displayed on the service flag that hangs in the window of Mrs. Maude Irvine of Fairfax, indicating that she has four sons in the service of their country in this great war. Capt. Harry Irvine has been overseas since last October. Thomas N. Irvine served in the Panama Canal Zone and is now stationed in Florida. John, a sergeant, is stationed with the Air Transport Command at Rosecrans Field, St. Joseph. Robert E., seaman second class, rd. mechanic, graduated from the Radar Scholar Point Loma and following graduation, worked in the base personnel office until he was sent to Pearl Harbor for further assignment from the commander of the Pacific Fleet.
• Governor Forrest C. Donnell will be in Fairfax at the noon hour next Monday and will be entertained at dinner at the home of his uncle, J.S. Donnell, and Mrs. Donnell. The governor will make a speaking tour of this section of the state and will visit here between meetings at Mound City and Tarkio.
July 10, 1969
• The spacious lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Hindman in Northwest Fairfax is displaying the “Lawn of the Month” sign during July. The outdoor beauty at the attractive home is not confined to just the front lawn, but is equally attractive from other views. The yard designation is a project of the Fairfax Garden Club.
• “You can’t have too much of a good thing” might be contested by Atchison County farmers as rains continue to soak crops throughout the region. While this area has not been plagued with torrential downpours, which have flooded many neighboring communities, crops on low-lying land are suffering from too much rain. High temperatures and humidity have added to the discomfort.
July 7, 1994
• Work is in progress of tearing down the old Fairfax Laundry, making room for a new convenience store.
• Last week Fairfax got a helping hand from the Central Texas Conference Youth in Missouri. They came and painted the Hope House in Fairfax. Most of the group members were 14 and 15 years old. They also painted a house in Mound City.