July 14, 1944

Rock Port has a group of youngsters who call themselves the Little Town Players, a stage group. They have recently elected officers as follows: Jack Hudson, president; Betty Gore, vice-president; Joan Tiemeyer, secretary; Beverly Hackl, assistant secretary; Colleen Ammons, treasurer; and Billy Bartholomew, stage manager.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Estus of the south part of the county, who were among the unfortunate ones who suffered flood losses this spring, have purchased from Mrs. H. F. Stapel, Sr., the residence on South Water Street occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and will move to Rock Port.

July 17, 1969

A third house was burned Wednesday night in the Watson area. Located west of town near the river, the vacant house was owned by Warren Morgan. There is definitely an arsonist in the area and authorities are doing all possible to track down the pyromaniac.

Wednesday night the Holmes Cafe was broken into. The only thing missing was a couple cases of beer. The cafe is owned by Mrs. Ruby Holmes.

Orville R. Reeder retired from the State Highway Department after almost 38 years with the department. Mr. Reeder began work September 1, 1931, as an extra laborer. He continued with the maintenance department until June 30 when he retired.

July 14, 1994

A new business for Rock Port is The Rock Port Diner, owned by Deanna Riebesell. The home cooking and friendly service has kept the Diner packed since its opening on July 5. The Diner is open 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and is located in the Atchison County Fair Building (formerly the Sale Barn). Daily specials will be served 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

The Cline era ranks right alongside the Hinderliter era in Rock Port football history. Rock Port football has a proud heritage and ranks number 5 in the state for winning since the 1940s. The past 14 years under Stew Cline have yielded a 110-33 record which has helped maintain the Blue Jay Spirit that has been evident in all the other sports and activities in which Rock Port students participate. Stew’s stats have been great: back to back state championships, the 34 game winning streak, in state finals four times, nine times in the playoffs and a playoff record of 16-7.