By Kay Gibson
The Watson Quilters met Thursday night with Linda Viets, Donna Whelan, Anita Armstrong, Frances Nahkunst, and Holly Holmes attending. Shirley Ellison and Annie Wakefield visited. Shirley has a project she’d like for some of the quilters to make.
There will be a benefit for Brie Ferguson Kimpston this Saturday night, July 20, 5:00 p.m. at the Watson Community Building. Brie has brain tumors and is unable to work.
This will be a free will donation, fish and chicken fry, plus sides and desserts. Come on over and help Brie out. A big thanks to Wally Riebesell for his generous donation of fish.
My new potatoes are delicious. Here are a few sayings about potatoes:
Some say potatoes should be planted on a starry night to assure plenty of eyes. It is quite a general folk belief, that potatoes, like other root crops, should be planted in the dark of the moon, if they are to thrive.
When the first new potatoes are eaten, all the family should partake of them, otherwise the spirits will be offended and the crop will not keep.
Warts, if rubbed with a raw potato which is then buried, would disappear as the potato rotted.
Irish have a saying which is advice of an old man to a young man at the table: Be eating one potato, peeling a second, have a third in your fist, and your eye on a fourth.