A new school year will be starting before too long. Be sure to check out the back-to-school information for Fairfax, Rock Port, and Tarkio schools in Section B.
Plans are underway for the Fairfax Fair August 9-11. With a baby show, Little Mr. & Miss/Jr. Miss/Miss Fairfax contests, tractor show, parade, entertainment on the park stage, booths and games, a tractor pull and more, it’s bound to be a fun-filled weekend!
The weather took a turn for the better at the beginning of this week, with much cooler temperatures allowing people to get out and enjoy the last of their summer days. Though the flooded section on the west side of the county definitely didn’t want to see more rain, the 6-8 inches that fell this weekend is a much-needed boost to the local farmers’ crops on the north, south, and east side.