August 11, 1944

• Dean Farley will open a new produce house and feed store in Fairfax Friday, August 11, in the Taylor building on Broadway, recently vacated by the Bolin produce house. Dean is experienced in this line of business as for the past several years he has been employed at the Jack Pearce produce house.

• H.A. Peters, Corning merchant, suffered painful injuries to his feet one day last week when he became overbalanced and fell from the balcony of his store to the cement floor nine feet below, landing on his feet. At first he thought the injuries were not serious enough to cause him much trouble, but they continued to be painful and he is unable to walk so he was taken to St. Francis hospital in Maryville for X-rays and treatment.

August 14, 1969

• Junior Community Betterment members, including Danny Kemerling, Mike Fisher, and Penny Wake, had an urge to do a good deed one day last week so they gathered up some cleaning equipment and wax and turned their attention to the two MCB highway signs at opposite highway entrances to the community.

• Two senior citizens claim to be the oldest men in Craig, Missouri. They are Arthur Vollmers, who has passed his 89th birthday, and T.C. Bayha, who has already celebrated his 90th birthday. Some of the younger fellows might notice that both still have hair!

August 11, 1994

• The school janitors are building a partition wall this week in the superintendent’s old office room. The rooms will be used for class room. The secretary’s room will be used as the grade school principal’s office.

• The 29th annual Fairfax Fair will be held August 19 and 20. This year’s six contestants for Miss Fairfax are Heather Yandell, Amber Seymour, Sonia Nemyer, Molly Harding, Theresa Pennel, and Bambi Brown.

• Winzel and Lela Fair of Fairfax will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on August 14. They were married on that day in 1934 in Chaonia, Missouri. They moved to Fairfax and have lived in this community 50 years.