Missouri continues to invest in transportation infrastructure
It was during the 2019 legislative session that the Missouri General Assembly worked with Gov. Mike Parson to approve several key proposals that will improve Missouri’s aging transportation network. Lawmakers approved both a $50 million appropriation in the state budget and a $301 million bonding plan that will result in the state being able to repair or replace 250 bridges across the state. Legislators also approved an additional $50 million in funding to create the Governor’s Transportation Cost-Share Program.
The cost-share program represents an effort to build partnerships between the state and local communities. Together they can pool efforts and resources to ensure much-needed road and bridge projects are completed. In an important step forward for this effort to improve Missouri’s roads and bridges, Gov. Parson recently announced that guidelines and applications for the cost-share program are now available online. They can be accessed at https://www.modot.org/governors-transportation-cost-share-program.
Applications for the program must be submitted by October 1, 2019. The Cost Share Committee, which is made up of the Missouri Department of Transportation’s chief engineer, chief financial officer, assistant chief engineer, two director-appointed employees, and DED staff, will select projects with the greatest economic benefit to the state. The selected projects will then be presented to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for approval.
Approved projects will have the benefit of partnering with the Missouri Department of Transportation to complete their road and bridge projects. The cost-share program will match the local investment up to 50 percent of construction contract costs. In the event a targeted investment can generate additional economic development, the program can utilize set-aside funds to provide up to 100 percent of the project’s construction contract costs.
About the new program, Gov. Parson said, “This program offers an exciting opportunity for Missouri to advance both transportation and economic development. We commend our legislators for supporting this economic development tool that will turn infrastructure investments into Missouri workforce investments.”
As always, it is an honor to serve you.
Allen Andrews, State Representative – District 1
Missouri State Capitol
201 West Capitol Avenue, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Telephone: 573-751-9465