Richard Sperber, Billy Timmerman, Donald Bailey, Jr., Kelly Daugherty, Charles Derrossett, and Kenneth Peters received Quilts of Valor in a ceremony at the Rock Port Senior Center.
Kenneth Peters received a Quilt of Valor in honor of his service in the U.S. Navy from 1963 to 1985. He was a Chief Petty Officer in the QOV Group.
Richard Sperber was presented with a quilt in honor of his service in the Navy from December 1966 to September 1967. He was in the Naval Air Squadron VR-21.
Billy Timmerman served in the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1968.
William Donald Bailey, Jr. was a sergeant in the U.S. Marines. He served from 1963-1967 and served in Vietnam in 1964 and 1965.
Kelly Daugherty served in the Army from 1965 to 1967 and served in Thailand. He was a SPEC 4.
Charles Derrossett served in the U.S. Air Force from 1961 to 1982. His quilt features aircraft carriers.
Missouri Freedom Quilters presented six quilts to local veterans Wednesday, August 7, 2019, in a ceremony at the Rock Port Senior Center. Receiving Quilts of Valor were William Donald Bailey, Jr., Kelly Daugherty, Charles Derrossett, Kenneth Peters, Richard Sperber, and Billy Timmerman.
The Quilts of Valor Foundation is a national service effort that began in 2003 by Catherine Roberts who was inspired by her son, Nathanael, after his deployment to Iraq. She wanted to start a movement that would provide healing quilts to returning service men and women touched by war. She started linking quilt makers and machine quilters together in order to create beautiful, patriotic quilts. These quilts serve as a tangible reminder of the appreciation and gratitude to service members. Quilts of Valor has awarded over 226,000 quilts to service members.
Sharon Groff and Jean Mensen started with a group in Iowa. There was interest, so the local chapter was started. These are the first quilts they have presented.
The local chapter plans to continue making more quilts. To request a quilt for a living veteran, contact Sharon Groff, 660-744-2544 or Jean Mensen, 660-744-2085. The Missouri Freedom Quilters would appreciate monetary donations, or donations of patriotic fabric, batting, etc.