September 1, 1944
• Robert L. Finch visited Friday and Saturday at the home of his brother, Rev. Chas. A. Finch, and family. Mr. Finch, who until recently was connected with the St. Louis Cardinals, is now assistant to President Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers and had been doing some scouting of players in a Montana baseball tournament sponsored by the American Legion. Mr. Finch expects the ’44 World Series to be an all-Missouri affair, with both the Cardinals and Browns winning the pennants in the major leagues.
• Two farms belonging to Dr. J. Frank Waugh of Chicago have been purchased by Charles Currie and John Woolgar. Mr. Currie bought the one located one-half mile north of the Dotham store, containing 92 2/3 acres, and Mr. Woolgar bought the one a mile north of the store, containing the same number of acres.
September 4, 1969
• Open house at Fairfax Community Hospital Sunday proved a delight to over 600 guests who came to view the new facility. Those who were seeing the new 22-bed addition for the first time were amazed at the deluxe accommodations provided for both patient and staff. Mrs. S.J. Peterson was the first person to occupy a patient room in the new hospital addition, moving from the older part Monday.
• Mrs. Goldie Shutts has recently sold her town porperty to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Williams. Mrs. Florine Hall and sons, who are living in the home, are soon to move to the Ernest Fries property, formerly owned by the late Mrs. Clara Tolby.
September 1, 1994
• School opened Wednesday, August 24, with a half day of school, dismissing at noon. There were 233 students registered on the first day. School was dismissed early the second day as well due to the heat index soaring to over 100.
• Burke’s Fine Furniture and Fabric in Fairfax will have their grand opening this weekend, September 1-3. The Burkes purchased the former Thiesfeld Clothing store from Pete Thiesfeld and have been selling out the inventory and redecorating the store.