A Volleyball Pink Out Night will take place Thursday, September 12, 2019, with East Atchison taking the court against Nodaway-Holt. Also that night, the Schoolhouse Rock team will be holding a bake sale. Proceeds will be used to help local people who are facing cancer treatments. They can use the money for gas to go to treatments, medication, or whatever other expenses they have during this time.
If you or someone you know is interested in donating baked goods for the bake sale, your donation would greatly appreciated. Donated baked goods can be taken to the TAC at 4:30 p.m. If you have a question, contact Jayne Martin.
Also that night, a flag dedication ceremony will be held in memory of Rick Martin. Rick’s wife, Trudy, and the Martin family established a memorial fund after Rick passed away to be used for athletes in need of any sports equipment. Through the years, the fund has been used for numerous items. Trudy was asked to consider “jumpstarting” the 15 x 25 USA retractable flag project with a part of the memorial funds. The Tarkio R-I Board of Education, administration and Tarkio Booster Club were happy to honor Rick’s memory with the naming to help always inspire and challenge EA athletes to attain levels of athletics, success such as Rick, and also to encourage committee members to be generous in giving. Many donors gave generously to support this worthy project and fundraising is nearing completion.
Please come help celebrate the dedication of the new flag that will illustrate to all who view it our patriotism, pride and support of our amazing country and the many servicemen and women, families and all emergency personnel that keep our land safe and free with their great sacrifice.
If you would like to donate towards this project, checks made payable to Tarkio Boosters can be taken to the Flower Mill in Tarkio or mailed to Lydia Hurst, 18541 State Highway O, Tarkio, MO 64491. Any donation of $50 or more will be mentioned on September 12 and will be recognized on a plaque that will be placed at the Tarkio Activity Center.