On Monday, September 23, I was able to take a quick tour of the Watson levee breach at both the A and B locations. As the Missouri River begins to reach its crest of 41 feet, the levees are holding strong. Crews are working continually to maintain and expand the base of the levee. As many have seen, the water is starting to work its way back on to area roads and back in to several bottom fields. Some of this water is due to seep water under the levees, as well as water coming through gates in the levee. Some of this seep water is to be expected with the amount of water against the levees. – W.C. Farmer
Water is slowly creeping back over Hwy. 111 near Nishnabotna.
The hole just east of Route D is ready for resurfacing.
Crews continue to work on the washout just west of Route D.
Looking south from the top of the new levee you can see the scrapers still working Monday, September 23, 2019. Once the river water level is down they will continue to expand both sides of the levee.
This is the breach to the south of the Watson breach, known as the B Hole. This levee is a work in progress as it is closed but it is not back to the original location of the levee system. As the Missouri River reaches flood stages again it has caused areas of the levee to have vertical sloughing.
Equipment lines up in the evening, refueling for the next day’s work.