The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) board met via Zoom March 10, 2021. Present were: Bob Alldredge, W.C. Farmer, Craig Corken, Lori Seymour, Roger Martin, Lydia Hurst, and Eryn Stepp, board members; and Monica Bailey, director.
The meeting was called to order.
The minutes of the November meeting were approved.
Board members also approved January and February financials as presented.
Director’s Report
Monica gave an update on the Business Improvement Grant program. Two Basic grant projects and three 2.0 grant projects have been approved. A total of $8,000 remains for the $1,000 maximum grant, and $4,246.56 remains for the $2,500 maximum grant.
Bailey is working with Atchison County high school counselors and businesses on a job shadowing in April.
ACDC will host a Springtime #ShopAC event on April 29. Participating stores will stay open until 8:00 p.m.
New Business
A nonprofit support request from Tarkio Tech was reviewed. Board members approved a contribution of $2,500 toward the installation of a new campus-wide telephone system.
The meeting was then adjourned.