The Rock Port R-II Board of Education held a regular meeting November 15, 2022.

President Jeremy Davis called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the board room. Also in attendance were Joanna Burke, Kayla Sierks, Afton Schomburg, Reven Herron, Regan Griffin, and Jared Meyerkorth, board members; Dr. Steve Waigand, elementary principal; Donnie Parsons, high school principal; Dr. Ethan Sickels, superintendent; and Jennifer Welch, board secretary.

The agenda was adopted and the minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 2022, were approved. Dr. Sickels reviewed the financial information for the month ending October 2022. The transfer of funds, October final check register, November check register to date, and the activity account checks were approved. During communications, Dr. Sickels read a thank you note from the family of Jim Jochim.

Dr. Sickels presented the monthly program evaluation report on facilities and grounds.

The board proceeded to address several new items of business. Action was taken to establish board filing dates, approve the MSBA Board Policy Maintenance Agreement, approve Board Policy Updates, approve the 2021-2022 audit, and approve the 2022-2023 substitute list.

Action was taken to hire Stacy Hughes as a full-time elementary paraprofessional and to hire Trevor Holmes for a full-time maintenance/custodial position.

Following a brief discussion of future business items, the meeting was moved into executive session. Following executive session, action was taken to accept the resignation of Dr. Ethan Sickels as superintendent, effective June 30, 2023.

Following a brief discussion, the meeting was adjourned.