February 20, 1948

• The Citizens Bank force is operating this week in somewhat disrupted conditions, while new linoleum is being placed on the floors. Furniture, radiators, and other fixtures are scattered here and there while the work is in progress.

• With cars parked on both sides of Main Street creating a traffic hazard, automobiles occupied by Carl Ebert and son Leland and John Harger collided near Melvin Bros. service station Monday afternoon. Carl was thrown into the windshield of his car. Both cars suffered some damage.

• Mr. and Mrs. Orville Loomis and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Shandy arrived home Monday afternoon from a winter vacation trip which took them 4,900 miles and as far as Mexico City.

• Through a copy of the February 6 issue of the Tacoma (Washington) News Tribune, the Mail learned of the death of Herman Biggle, 89, former Rock Port resident. Mr. Biggle was born in Hanover, Pennsylvania, and his early home was only nine miles from the scene of the Battle of Gettysburg. It is said that he sat on a fence and watched the Union Army move into position for the conflict.

February 15, 1973

• US 136 east of Rock Port was no place to be traveling through February 7 between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Two accidents occurred near the same spot, three miles east of Rock Port. The first was a semi that jack-knifed when it tried to slow behind another vehicle. The second occurred when a driver popped over the hill and saw the traffic backed up due to the first wreck. She applied her brakes, but lost control and the vehicle slid across the highway, striking the bank and overturning.

• William Joseph McElfish, Rock Port, retired January 23 after 32 years with the Army Corps of Engineers. McElfish, a 1923 graduate of Rock Port High School, was first employed by the Corps of Engineers in October of 1938. His employment was interrupted by a tour of duty in the Navy which lasted four years until 1945.

• Rock Port Homecoming king and queen candidates are Bill Anders, Mark Cox, and Bob Stubblefield, and Patty Shineman, Joyce Amthor, and Debbie Knierim.

• The school menu includes spaghetti and meat sauce on Tuesday, wiener winks and baked beans on Wednesday, beef and noodles on Thursday, and hot pork sandwiches on Friday. If there is a make-up day Saturday the menu will be ham sandwiches and pork and beans.

February 12, 1998

• On Saturday, February 7, the Rock Port Blue Jay wrestling team traveled to Maryville to compete in the District 8 Wrestling Tournament. The young men came home with the second place trophy. Top five finishers were: Cory Stoner and Troy Cook, 1st; Clint Stoner and Chad Rogers, 2nd; Jeremy Slenker and Jordan Stoner, 3rd; and Steven Proctor, 4th.

• The Rock Port 6th grade annual Grandparents Day was held February 4. An ice cream social was held for 37 grandparents and 36 students.

• Construction on the new Velma Houts Fair Building is underway. The building site has been prepared and the shell and floor are completed. Electricity services to the building have also been installed.