Submitted by Pastor Kailea Nauman, First Christian Church, Rock Port

As we end the Easter season, we often see church attendance dwindle back down to our regular size. As pastors we often are confused by this as the congregation was just reminded of the Resurrection and all that Jesus has done for us. How He gave His very life for us. We celebrate it, some have Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service as we do in my church. Then we have SonRise service where we simply praise His glorious name and then have our regular church service.

The church is full Easter morning and everyone is in their Sunday best. But I often wonder if we spend more time worrying about what we wear on Easter Sunday than we do with eyes fixed on the empty tomb. Hearts that are being changed as we stand in awe and reverence for all that Jesus has given.

You see in John 8:12 Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Oftentimes we as pastors encourage you to get into His Word so that you will know the one who saves you, calls you, and loves you. It is not just about a belief in Christ or a once in a while church service. It is a daily following the Lord. Not following the world and the culture but a true following of the one who walked out of the tomb and defeated sin and death.

Jesus tells us what it will cost to follow Him all over scripture, but I will end with Matthew 16:24 – “Then Jesus said to His Disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take us his cross, and follow me.’”

Following Jesus isn’t about following our desires or the world or what makes us feel good. It is the exact opposite. Following Jesus isn’t always the easy thing, it certainly won’t be the popular thing, but as you see in John 8 if we choose to follow Him, we have the promise of the light of life, we have the promise of eternal life and that is something this world can never offer.

Blessings to you all. I do pray you find a church family to continue to celebrate the Risen Christ as the season may have ended. Jesus lives and because of that so do we. Praise the Lord!