Submitted by Jeanette Barcus, Certified Natural Health Consultant

Habits surrounding our health can be making us feel sick, tired and old. The good news is, we can make small changes on a daily basis to improve our health.

1) Program the mind for health. Healthy habits begin in the mind. Changing the self-talk to affirmations of health and energy and well-being guides one to better habits. The body goes where the mind dictates.

2) Walk or exercise every day. Shoot for 30 minutes a day, even if you have to begin with five minutes to start with. An electrolyte or nitric oxide boosting drink can help recovery and ease the soreness that may arise from exercise in the beginning.

3) Get enough sleep. Most people need between seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Sleep patterns are set by habit. Establishing regular sleep and wake times can help. Supplements of certain minerals like magnesium and calcium, herbs like chamomile or valerian, bowel supporting herbs or enzymes may help.

4) Drink more water. Don’t let other beverages crowd out your need for water. It’s not the same and your health will suffer.

5) Eat fresh fruits and vegetables first, to make sure the healthiest food is a priority.

6) Enjoy food. Eat slower and with lower calories for longevity.

7) Take basic supplements each day. Our food doesn’t supply all of the nutrients we need. Practically everyone can use a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement, Vitamin D3, Omega3 and colloidal mineral supplement. Men may need extra zinc, and some women need iron.

8) Keep your bowels working properly. You may have noticed that when your bowel function gets “backed up,” you are more likely to feel ill, catch cold more easily or have headaches. Natural health experts say this is caused by toxins hanging around in the body too long and poisoning the body. If the bowels aren’t moving every day, a colon cleanse may be a good place to start.

Please take time for health, so you won’t be forced to take time for illness.

(This material is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the services of licensed health care providers. Always obtain competent medical advise for all serious or persistent illness.)