The City of Fairfax Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting June 13, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Ryan Kingery, Mayor, at 6:35 p.m. Also in attendance were: Tabitha Wintz, Debra Wyatt, and Shannon Long, aldermen; Lori Helfers, City Clerk; Terry Miller, Treasurer; and John Brown, Water Superintendent.
The tentative agenda was approved.
The aldermen also approved the regular minutes of May 17, 2023, and accounts payable.
Old Business
CDBG Street Grant – The city has held two bid opening meetings but has received no bids. John, Steve and Lori continue to make calls and work with Jerri Dearmont, Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments, and Snyder & Associates to find a company to place a bid for the city streets. The grant has been amended twice in hopes for companies to bid. Another bid opening is scheduled on June 15 at 2:00 p.m. If no bids are received at that time, the council will hold a special meeting to decide the next steps to take.
New Business
Midland Surveying ran into some concerns with surveying the city’s property located down by the community room. It seems at one point in time there were a couple streets on the west side of Hwy 59. After speaking to the fire department to address Midland’s concerns, a discussion was held by the council to vacate the streets and proceed with the survey. A motion was made by Shannon Long that after the survey has been completed the property be deeded over to the rural fire department. Debra Wyatt seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Bill #2023-04 Titled: An ordinance of the City of Fairfax, Missouri, Vacating and Discontinuing Public Street, was presented to the council and read by title by Ryan Kingery. Tabitha Wintz moved to approve Bill #2023-04. Debra Wyatt seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Bill #2023-04 was assigned Ordinance #2023-07-1567.
Bill #2023-03 Titled: An ordinance of the City of Fairfax, Missouri, amending Chapter 230, Solid Waste, was presented to the council and read by title by Ryan Kingery. Debra Wyatt moved to approve Bill #2023-03. Shannon Long seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Bill #2023-22 assigned Ordinance #2023-06-1566.
Staff Reports
Terry Miller presented the treasurer’s report showing all accounts are in balance. The city has a CD that is coming up for renewal. It was suggested at this time to transfer the CD money from Bank Midwest and open a new CD at Farmers State Bank, due to higher percentage rates. Tabitha Wintz made a motion to approve, Debra Wyatt seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Lori Helfers updated the council on the ordinance violation letters that have been sent out. After a short discussion Lori was given an updated list of properties that are in need of letters.
The auditor is almost finished with the city’s audit. He will be in within the next week or two for some finalizing.
Lori asked the council about clean-up day in August before the fair. The council decided city clean-up day will be held the weekend of August 4. Lori will call Klosek’s to make sure we can get a dumpster.
John Brown spoke to the council about the Hwy. 59 project. The council voted unanimously to accept the agreement with MoDOT. The project is planned to start late spring 2024. Lori asked if the council could appoint someone who is readily available to sign off on invoices and construction changes when the project begins. Tabitha Wintz made a motion to appoint John Brown, seconded by Debra Wyatt. The motion passed unanimously.
John said a gentleman has approached him to see if the city is willing to sell the storage shed/building down by the city shop. The council was in agreement to not sell the building.
The aldermen voted to go into closed session at 8:00 p.m. for discussion of personnel and personally identifiable information as provided by RSMO 610.021(1,3,13).
The council came out of closed session at 8:10 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be July 19, 2023.