The Fairfax Board of Aldermen met in regular session July 19, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ryan Kingery at 6:32 p.m. Roll was taken. Others in attendance were: aldermen – Tabitha Wintz, Debra Wyatt, and Shannon Long; city clerk Lori Helfers; and water superintendent John Brown.
The tentative agenda was approved, as well as the minutes of the regular meeting June 13, 2023, and accounts payable.
Old Business
CDBG Street Grant Update – As of this meeting, no bids had been received. Roy with Asphalt Contractors came to look at the streets. Jerri Dearmont with Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments and Andi Macias with Snyder & Associates are going to work with Asphalt Contractors and see what can be done to have a bid in by next week.
New Business
Kristi Duering emailed a letter of resignation to the council. Tabitha Wintz moved to accept Kristi’s resignation. Shannon Long seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting moved into closed session at 6:50 p.m. for discussion of personnel and personally identifiable information as provided by RSMO 610.021(1,3,13). The council came back to open session at 7:05 p.m.
Following a discussion of possible people to fill Kristi’s seat, Mayor Kingery and Tabitha Wintz were asked to speak to a few people to see if they would be willing to serve out Kristi’s term. They will have more information at next month’s meeting.
The scoreboard at the ballfield was damaged during one of the storms. Lori was asked to look into making an insurance claim.
Staff Reports
Lori Helfers presented the treasurer’s report for Terry Miller showing all accounts were in balance.
She also updated the council on the ordinance violation letters and reminded them of the clean-up dates.
John Brown updated the council on projects that he and Steve have been working on.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held August 23, 2023.