September 24, 1948

• Problems of the world today will be talked of in a lecture by Martin Hall Tuesday night when he will be presented at David Rankin Hall. A native of Germany and an American citizen by naturalization, he brings to the platform the experience of 12 years of travel as a journalist all over Europe and the Soviet Union and 10 years of lecturing in all but four of the 48 states of the U.S.

• The Westboro Wildcats made their 1948 6-man football debut with a crushing 41-0 victory over the Vikings of Stanton, Iowa, Monday night.

• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crider have received a telegram from the U.S. government that the body of their son, Sgt. Sidney Crider, is on the way to Tarkio from Guam, where the sergeant so heroically gave his life in saving another person from drowning December 1, 1945. He was stationed in Guam with the Army Air Corps.

• Rine Drilling company workers for Cities Service Oil company Wildcat at Giffen No. 1 four miles north and two miles west of Tarkio drilled last week to 1,940 feet in Mississippi Lime. Finding no oil, they abandoned it as a dry hole.

• Alfred Sloey, Jr. and Foy Willing and the other four members of the Riders of the Purple Sage will appear at the Tarkio Theatre in conjunction of their appearance on the screen October 28-30. The film “California Firebrand” will be shown October 28 and 29 and the film “Timber Line” will be shown October 30.

September 27, 1973

• On Friday, one of the second grade classes at Tarkio Elementary made a field trip to inspect a boxcar at the Pelleting Plant in town. They had just finished reading “The Boxcar Children” and wanted to see a train car close up.

• Reptiles – Facts and Fallacies was held for Tarkio Elementary students September 18. The program was given by Mr. Chuck Naidl, an authority on reptiles. Mr. Naidl and his wife make their home in Wisconsin where they operate a reptile farm. To obtain these reptiles, they hunt constantly throughout the United States and Europe.

• Mrs. Loretta Chavez, Allie Redfern, Gayla McIntosh, and Betty Lindsay assisted with the cutting of 60 yards of fabric for 38 costumes for the French Groupe Folklorique. The students will perform in mid-October. The program brings French culture to the community.

September 24, 1998

• Heartland Rec Center in Tarkio is hosting the Semi-Pro National Championship Football Game September 26 at Kyle Field. The game will feature the Kansas Plainsmen and the Topeka Knights. The Plainsmen will play in Tarkio again on October 3 when they take on the Texas Diablos.

• The Tarkio High School girls’ golf team now has an overall record of nine wins and zero losses.

• Community Hospital Association Auxiliary members selected Beulah Kemerling as Auxilian of the Year. Beulah is a charter member of the auxiliary and was presented with an engraved clock and a porcelain flower with a honey bee.

• Second graders at Tarkio Elementary were treated to an ice cream float party September 18 as a reward for being the grade with the most parents attending C.A.T.’s Prevention Fair. C.A.T. hosted the party.