October 15, 1948

• An M tractor, worth approximately $2,500, was stolen from one of the Ralph Seymour farms sometime Saturday night, along with a box of tools and some extra wrenches. A six-horse power gasoline engine was stolen from Warren Chambers and is thought to have been taken the same night.

• The public school highway overpass, which was built last summer, is being painted this week.

• In celebration of the 50th anniversary, the Fairfax Sorosis is sponsoring a program with the main feature being a womanless wedding. The cast has been set and rehearsing is now in progress. Proceeds from the production will go to the Fairfax Community Hospital.

• Three of the highest priced Herefords sold at the Northwest Missouri Hereford Breeders Association sale held in Maryville were bought by Atchison County men. The top bull was sold to Melvin Rolf of Rock Port for $435. The second top bull was bought by Earl Davis of Fairfax for $405. The top calf was bought by Waldo Thomson of Fairfax for $170.

• Approximately 85 persons attended a meeting at Elk Dale school house Monday night, which had been called for the purpose of informing the people whose land and property will be affected by the construction of the proposed Little Tarkio River reservoir in Holt County. With the proposal to construct four huge dams in the area and buy or condemn thousands of acres of the best land in the two counties, the land owners are thoroughly aroused and are ready to take any fair and legal steps to stop such procedure.

October 18, 1973

• Providing transportation for older adults in Atchison County was the topic of conversation  at a meeting in Rock Port October 9. Implementation of a federally sponsored program called O.A.T.S. (Older Adults Transportation Service) will provide bus service at a minimal charge if the organization is completed.

• School started August 29 with a kindergarten enrollment of 28 pupils – 16 boys and 12 girls. They are now at 30 with two more boys added to the class in September and October. The students can now say the pledge, write and count to six, sing the ABCs and Five Little Chickadees, and they like to play Farmer in the Dell, London Bridge, and Charley Over The River.

• The old-time steel bridge spanning the Tarkio River adjoining Seymour land north of Fairfax failed to withstand the ravages of floodwater and debris last week and was washed out. The route it served is not considered too important so replacement seems doubtful.

October 15, 1998

• Over 600 fourth graders in the St. Joseph Light & Power service territory will learn about electric energy and safety during October. The Light & Power company is hosting an Energy Safety Field Day October 15 in Schechter Gymnasium on the Tarkio Academy campus.

• The Fairfax High School Football Homecoming is October 16. King and queen candidates are Nate Easley, Tim Oswald, Robert Sefrit, Brandee Hawkins, Katrina Ball, and Danielle Beck.

• The Fairfax Marching Pride competed in the Northwest Missouri State University Homecoming Parade in Maryville and brought home the first place trophy in their division.The Marching Pride is led by director Bill Wells. The Fairfax Flag Corps competed in an auxiliary contest at the university following the parade and also brought home a first place trophy.

• The Fairfax Post Office gave away a Monopoly game October 9 in observance of the new Monopoly game stamp. The winner of the game was Pam O’Riley of Fairfax.