The East Atchison and Rock Port High School Cross Country Teams traveled to Mound City, Missouri, to compete October 4, 2023. The East Atchison Lady Wolves placed second as a team and the Wolves placed fourth as a team.
Individual results follow:
Boys 5,000 Meters – 3rd, Gus Heintz (RP), 18:16.79; 12th, Clayton Vernon (EA), 20:33.34; 19th, Quin Staten (EA), 21:08.71; 24th, Cole Anderson (EA), 21:43.62; 33rd, Mason Kingery (EA), 23:28.57; 35th, Bryon Ohlensehlen (EA), 23:30.69; 40th, Connor Morton (EA), 24:47.22; 49th, Isaac Vette (EA), 27:36.94; 50th, Robbie Armstrong (EA), 28:01.08; and 52nd, Kendall Kingery (EA), 33:51.24.
Girls 5,000 Meters – 2nd, Norah Watkins (RP), 21:33.65; 7th, Jayla Irvine (EA), 23:58.95; 11th, Brooklyn Wennihan (EA), 25:25.14; 14th, Abbie Harms (EA), 27:25.71; 16th, Bella Bywater (EA), 27:45.54; 21st, Alexis Bywater (EA), 28:34.84; 23rd, Kendal Straub (EA), 29:38.05; and 29th, Delainee White (EA), 38:42.91.
Rock Port’s Gus Heintz placed 3rd at Mound City with a time of 18:16.79. (Dana Zembles photos)
Rock Port’s Norah Watkins placed 2nd at Mound City with a time of 21:33.65.
EA’s Jayla Irvine placed 7th with a time of 23:58.95.
Lady Wolf Brooklyn Wennihan placed 11th with a time of 25:25.14.
Lady Wolf Abbie Harms placed 14th with a time of 27:25.71.
Lady Wolf Bella Bywater placed 16th with a time of 27:45.54.
EA’s Alexis Bywater placed 21st with a time of 28:34.84.
EA’s Kendal Straub placed 23rd with a time of 29:38.05.
Lady Wolf Delainee White placed 29th with a time of 38:42.91.
Wolf Quin Staten placed 19th with a time of 21:08.71.
Wolf Cole Anderson placed 24th with a time of 21:43.62.
Wolf Mason Kingery placed 33rd with a time of 23:28.57.
Wolf Bryon Ohlensehlen placed 35th with a time of 23:30.69.
Wolf Connor Morton placed 40th with a time of 24:47.22.
Isaac Vette and Robbie Armstrong compete in the Mound City cross country race. They placed 49th and 50th respectively.
EA’s Kendall Kingery placed 52nd with a time of 33:51.24. (MaryAnn Hull photo from Shenandoah)