November 5, 1948
• Earnest Austin and Bill Klein of the Austin and Klein Oil Co. are building an addition to their service station on Main Street. The addition, a one-story building with a basement, is being erected on the lot adjoining their present building to the east. A wash rack and grease rack will be placed there and the basement will be used for storage.
• A shucking bee was held Monday by Farmers City friends for Vane Harmon, who suffered a broken back October 15 and is now a patient in a Nebraska City, Nebraska, hospital. More than 3,000 bushels of corn were picked by over 50 men using 12 pickers, 32 tractors, 26 wagons, 1 Jeep, and two elevators. The men had covered all 85 acres by 4:30 p.m. Monday.
• A beautiful building, modern in style, has just been completed by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abell of Tarkio between 4th and 5th on Main Street for the purpose of housing the Abell Produce business. The one story structure is 25×60 feet with a full basement large enough to store eight trucks.
• A special service of Thanksgiving was held Sunday at the Westboro Methodist Church for the Lord’s Acre Day. It was estimated that when all returns were in, the church would realize approximately $4,500.
November 8, 1973
• The students in Mrs. Lade’s 7th grade social studies class were recently visited by Mrs. Larry Pattee, who discussed the life and people of Egypt. Mrs. Pattee lived in Egypt from 1968 to 1969. She brought souvenirs for the students to see, as well as pictures.
• The 33rd Annual Lord’s Acre Festival was held in Westboro November 3. The parade included 15 loads of corn. They were sold at the auction, averaging $2.34 per bushel. A dinner served approximately 400 people.
• Bill Fox of Tarkio finished 13th out of 68 runners in the 8th annual Tri-State Marathon held in Falls City, Nebraska. His time from the 26 mile course was 2:58.36.
• Miss Ora Schick, Tarkio City Collector, received a gold pin from Mayor Roy McIntosh, which was awarded by the Missouri Municipal League. The pin represents her many years of service as a city employee.
November 5, 1998
• There is nothing quite like experiencing a space shuttle launch firsthand, which Will and Adam Johnson of Tarkio and Beth, Spencer, and Nathaniel Cox of Archie, Missouri, were able to do October 29, 2023, when the Space Shuttle Discovery took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. On that shuttle was John Glenn, Jr., who is the oldest person to fly in space at age 77. He was also the first American to orbit the earth three times in 1962.
• The Avalanche featured veterans Richard Halliday and Clay Staples for Veterans Day. Richard, of Tarkio, was in the Company A 762nd Military Police battalion as a corporal. He served in Hawaii 11 months after the attack on Pearl Harbor at Schoffield Barracks. He later went to officer candidate school in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and worked for the P.O.W. camps in the U.S. Clay, also of Tarkio, was one of the soldiers who went in the Island Campaign from Guadalcanal to Okinawa.