The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, October 24, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Lisa Farmer, Kelley Herron, Kory Paris, and Raechel Schoonover. Also present were Chief of Police Derek Morriss, City Clerk Emily Schulte, and Superintendent Brentlee Thomas. Visitors present were Dennis Chitwood and Verlon Persinger.
Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order then led the meeting in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting agenda was approved.
The aldermen voted to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2023, meeting.
Chitwood (Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission) and Persinger (Alliance) were in attendance to listen in on discussion regarding Bill #1238.
Superintendent Thomas handed out information to the board regarding the addition of Nodaway County to the commission. Rural Water’s concerns were discussed.
Consent Agendas
The aldermen voted to approve the city financial statements, accounts payables, tax report, delinquent tax list, the City Clerk, Chief of Police, all board reports. They also approve the utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Office Manager report and City Superintendent report.
Tourism Board Resignations & Applications
Madison Dick and Mike Farmer submitted resignations from the Tourism Board.
Ashtyn Beatty and Thea Lewis submitted applications to join the Tourism Board.
Mayor Thomas recommended accepting the submitted resignations and applications to the Tourism Board. The aldermen approved her recommendation.
City Parking Lot Request
Herron moved to approve the request to utilize the city parking lot received from Barada Hills Trading Co., LLC. Schoonover seconded. All votes aye.
Bill #1238 – Approving Supplement to the Atchison Wholesale Water Commission Joint Contract – Adding Nodaway County
Alderwoman Schoonover requested additional time for research prior to Bill #1238 consideration.
Bill #1238 was read by Thomas. Farmer moved to approve the first reading. Herron seconded. Farmer, Herron, and Paris voted aye and Schoonover abstained. Bill #1238 was read for a second time by Herron. Farmer moved to approve the second reading. Herron seconded. Farmer, Herron, and Paris voted aye and Schoonover abstained. Mayor Thomas declared Bill #1238, Ordinance # 1238.
2024 Budgets
Mayor Thomas met with staff separately regarding budgets. She would like to hold a special meeting with only the board to discuss the 2024 budgets further.
RenoSys Pool Liner Contract
City Attorney Gagnon is preparing a letter to RenoSys.
Pole Attachment Agreement
City Attorney Gagnon sent out a letter. The pole rental increase will go into effect for the 2025 calendar year.
Park Maintenance Agreement
Herron moved to approve keeping a Park Maintenance Agreement but revising the terms prior to the January Board of Aldermen meeting. Schoonover seconded. All votes aye.
Chief of Police Derek Morriss
Chief Morriss distributed his report. No officer applications have been received. An $1,800.00 invoice will be received in the near future for ammunition used during MIRMA training.
City Clerk Emily Schulte
Clerk Schulte relayed that park invoices still have not been paid as they were not approved at the last Park Board meeting. Alderman Paris will reach out to the Park Board.
Superintendent Brentlee Thomas
Superintendent Thomas gave an update on work being performed by MCON, substation repairs, electrical testing, a backup transformer purchase, and additional needed electric training. An inquiry was made for the December meeting date and if it will change, as he needs the date for the lead service line agreement grant paperwork.
The aldermen voted to change the December 2023 meeting to Tuesday, December 19.
Alderman Kelley Herron
Alderman Herron stated believing the city is moving in the right direction with the Water Commission decision made earlier this evening.
Mayor Amy Thomas
Mayor Thomas wants to find a time for the board to meet alone. She appreciated Alderman Paris being a go-between with the city and Park Board.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met for a special meeting Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Lisa Farmer, Kelley Herron, and Raechel Schoonover. Alderman Kory Paris was absent.
Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m.
The meeting agenda was approved.
City budgets were reviewed and a list of questions formulated. Staff wage increases and lineman incentives were discussed.
Alderwoman Schoonover to take questions to city staff for clarification.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.