The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at City Hall in Tarkio, Missouri. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was done by City Clerk Danielle Madron: aldermen Scott Walker, Blu Dow, Jeff Olson, and Jeff Agnew were all present. Visitors were: city employees – Police Chief Tyson Gibbons, Park Superintendent Chris Niles, Tarkio Board of Public Works Superintendent Curtis Hedrick, and Building Inspector Jesse Payne; Atchison County Health and Wellness Coalition members Julie Livengood, Tammy Sly, Dara Whipple, Lori Staten, Jamie Baker, and Brody Wennihan (student member); and citizens – Mike Klosek, Sr., Jessica Walker, Debra Henning, Cheryl Volker, An-drew Riley, Jason Burke, and Dallas Prather.

The regular meeting minutes from October 11, 2023, were approved.

Andy Riley asked the council to take a deeper look into the proposed ordinance for an amendment to the water commission contract before making the decision to pass or not pass the ordinance. There is a lot of talk about the changes being made, so he asks that the board review all the information they can.

Cheryl Volker spoke to the board about her view on the possible no smoking ordinance that will be brought to the board. In her opinion, making an ordinance banning smoking in public places and work places could affect the money that people do spend in town, due to smokers going elsewhere since they wouldn’t be allowed to smoke at certain places.

Debra Henning spoke to the board and stated that she feels the smoking ordinance should be taken to a vote by the people. She also expressed that banning smoking in a business should be at the discretion of the business owner.

The reading of Bill 304.23 Ordinance 290.23, An Ordinance Approving Supplement To The Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission Joint Contract, has been continued to the December 13, 2023, meeting.

The upcoming election date will be April 2, 2024. Election filings begin Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. and the last day to file is Tuesday, December 26, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Positions up for re-election are Mayor Mark Staten, NorthWard Alderman Blu Dow and South Ward Alderman Jeff Agnew.

Dow asked Clerk Madron to send the proposed ordinance involving the water commission to the city attorney to review to be sure it is appropriate and does not take the city out of any decision making.

After reading over the proposed ordinance, the council also decided to table Bill 305.23 Ordinance 291.23, An Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking In All Workplaces And Public Places Within The City Of Tarkio (100% Smoke Free) for the time being. They would like to dive deeper into the specifics of the ordinance and make sure the stipulations are in the best interest of the city and its patrons. Dow would also like to make it known that while she is on the health coalition committee, she was not the one who presented it to the board at last month’s meeting and has had no hand in pushing this through to the council. Dow left the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

There was one bid presented to the board for the 2024 Main Street curb project. Hale Construction Services, LLC, turned in a bid in the amount of $94,254.00. The board tabled this until next month so that they have time to speak to Street Superintendent Quimby, who was not present at the meeting.

Clerk Madron presented two different types of tax options to the council for a decision on which tax they would like to put on the ballot in April: a fire tax, that could only be used for the fire department; or a capital improvement tax that could be  used for the fire department, city building improvements, animal control, etc. The board decided the capital improvement tax would be more beneficial to the city in the long run. Clerk Madron will be preparing the ordinance for next month.

Clerk Madron informed the board that she would be putting out a bid notice for trash collection for 2024 as the current contract ends December 31.

Department Reports

Blu Dow, City Buildings – There is a company in town doing some tuck pointing on the food pantry building that will be stopping by to check the tuck pointing needed on the front of the city hall building.

Jeff Agnew, Fire Department – The new air tanks will be delivered November 9. Clerk Madron will be sending out payment as soon as she gets the okay from the fire department.

Jeff Olson, Parks & Pool – Park Superintendent Chris Niles stated that the park board voted to add two new members and rearrange their officers. They voted to make Jennifer Peregrine vice-president and Karly Hicks secretary. They voted to appoint Todd Derrossett and Sarah Wiley as their new members. The aldermen approved the new park board member appointments as presented. Prep work is being done at the baseball field on the crow’s nest so that it can be removed and rebuilt. The North Polk Schoolhouse has been painted and there will be more upkeep work done as well. KC Gunite should be here in the next few weeks to start renovations on the pool. The Tarkio Lighted Christmas Parade is scheduled for December 2 and the Elf Auction is tentatively scheduled for December 10.

Scott Walker, Street Department  – Street Superintendent Jamie Quimby’s report was given:

• Repairs/Equipment – New safety beacons were placed on the skid steer and front loader to make them more visible.

• Brush Pile – It has been much too dry to burn.

• RV Park – There are currently two campers with the possibility of a couple coming for deer season. The heaters for the water hydrants that are currently being used have been plugged in.

• Signage – The yield signs on Chestnut Street have been addressed. There were yield signs placed at 8th and Chestnut and stop signs placed at 9th and Chestnut in the east west lanes of traffic. Quimby believes this should slow the flow of traffic.   

• Christmas Décor – Evergy is going to assist with putting up the Christmas decorations on Main Street once again this year. This will take place before Thanksgiving as long as they have the manpower and time.

• Ditch Cleaning – The ditch at 8th and Pine was cleaned so that the crew could attempt to clear the tube on 8th. They were unable to completely clear this tube, but are going to try again.

• Snow Removal – All equipment has been installed and checked to make sure it is in working order. There is an ample supply of salt and the crew is as ready as they can be for winter weather.

• 2023 F350 – This piece of equipment has arrived and they are working to put safety lighting on it and get the proper marking on it. It will be ready for use by the end of the week.

• Halloween Parade – They assisted the Parks Department with this by getting the tables and chairs needed at the bank and making sure that there were barricades; also contacted the 911 center and let them know that this event was taking place. Quimby believes from comments he has heard that they will need to supply more barricades next year as there were a few cars driving around them and through the parade route.

• Potholes – There have been a few potholes filled. The winter patch has been received.

Curtis Hedrick, Tarkio Board of Public Works – The lead survey grant that the public works applied for has been approved. The project will be fully funded. There was a water main break on the wholesale water commission’s line. The break has been fixed.

Mark Staten, Gould Peterson Municipal Airport – There was nothing to report.

Chris Niles, Animal Control – There was one animal adopted out this month, but there are currently no animals in the dog pound at this time.

Tyson Gibbons, Police Department – A total of 80 pounds of unused prescription drugs were turned in for the drug take back day this month. There is a range day scheduled for November 16.

Danielle Madron, City Financials – Clerk Madron asked if the council wanted to have their annual Special Christmas/ Employee Appreciation meeting on January 6. The council said they would still like to do the dinner. Clerk Madron will be getting quotes for meal prices to present next month

A break was taken from 7:25 to 7:30 p.m.

Walker made a motion to enter into executive session per Chapter 610.021 Section 3 Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting a particular employee, etc. The motion was seconded and approved and the meeting moved into closed session. The meeting moved out of closed session and was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Next month’s regular meeting will be December 13, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall in Tarkio.