December 10, 1948
• Ajax, a certified Canadian oat which will be planted by many area farmers this coming season, is reported to be one of the heaviest yielders. Lewis Foster, who lives five and one-half miles south of Fairfax, had a field of four and one-half acres last summer that yielded 476 bushels, while oats of another variety in the same field yielded about 40 bushels per acre.
• One hundred twenty-six persons attended the American Legion’s turkey dinner held at the school auditorium Monday evening. The meal was prepared and served by the ladies of Rupe’s Grove Church.
• “Fields White With Harvest” is the title of an article written by Rev. Harold M. Parker, pastor of the local Presbyterian Church, which was printed in the December 6 issue of “Monday Morning,” an ecclesiastical magazine.
• Two criminals are being held in a Lincoln, Nebraska, jail having been charged with robbery and similar charges. The two men were in Fairfax last week and disposed of miscellaneous merchandise. The men were caught in the dumping by Newell Green, rural mail carrier, who got the license number and reported the incident to the highway patrol.
December 13, 1973
• An unusually large attendance of Kiwanians only was present at Tuesday’s luncheon. Club Secretary M.D. Mulvania was recognized for 30 years’ perfect attendance with this club and the one at Canton, Missouri.
• A record $962 per acre was paid for the farm of the late Roscoe and Mabel Cunningham Tuesday. The 78.67-acre tract, with improvements, is located just east of Fairfax on 46 highway. William and Patricia Heitman were the successful bidders.
• At the December meeting of Fairfax Community Club, Gene Carder was named president, Don Kerr vice president, and Pat Fisher secretary-treasurer.
• Schooler Furniture in Fairfax is hosting an open house December 14. Enjoy free coffee and donuts while looking at the changes made to the inside of the store and checking out Christmas specials.
• Fairfax drew enviable recognition this week when two of its Bulldogs landed positions on the 1973 North All-District Football Team. Marion Oswald, linebacker, was named class 1-A honorary captain, along with Ron Neely of Chillicothe. Rick Martin was named defensive back in class 1-A choices.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carder and family have moved to the home in south Fairfax they recently purchased from Mrs. Vernal Barrett.
December 10, 1998
• Melvin and T.J. Miles of Fairfax enjoyed special guests in their home for Thanksgiving weekend. Dennis and Janett Voight of Becker, Minnesota, came on Friday, November 27. Dennis and Melvin were in the Army together 40 years ago in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Fort Knox, Kentucky.
• Eugene Thomson, a native of Fairfax, recalled Christmases growing up in Fairfax. His family was poor and times were tough. His mother made Christmas candy and that was what the children received for Christmas. When the first World War broke out, his mother worried that there would not be enough sugar to make the candy, due to rationing. One day on the way home, they found a 10 pound bag of sugar lying on the side of the road. His mother said it had come from an angel and she was able to make the children’s Christmas candy that year. He also still has a sled he was gifted in 1915 at the age of six.