The Rock Port R-II Board of Education held a regular meeting Tuesday, November 21, 2023. President Regan Griffin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Other board members in attendance were Afton Schomburg, Joanna Burke, Troy Cook, Kayla Sierks, and Reven Herron. Jared Meyerkorth was absent. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Rex Bollinger, Elementary Principal Dr. Steve Waigand, High School Principal Donnie Parsons, and Board Secretary Jennifer Welch.
The agenda was adopted and board members voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 2023.
Dr. Bollinger reviewed the financial information for the month ending October 2023. The October final check register, and the November check register to date were approved.
Dr. Bollinger read thank you notes from Valeria Grossman and from Stephen and Tiffanie Gaines and family.
Dr. Waigand and Mr. Parsons gave the elementary and high school principals reports.
Dr. Bollinger went over his monthly program evaluation report and gave a construction update.
Joanna Burke gave the TABS Report.
Board members approved the board policy updates and the 2023-2024 Board of Education filing dates.
In new business, board members voted to raise the after-school tutoring rates to $30 per hour, the GRC wrestling invite, Guiding Flight, Boardworks, and Rooms through Apptegy.
Board members voted to approve the security camera/door access from Midwest Data Center. Troy Cook abstained.
The board moved into executive session in accordance with RSMo.010.021 Subsection (3), (13) Personnel Matters at 8:24 p.m. The meeting returned to open session at 9:42 p.m.
Teresa Mertens’ retirement and Robin Whiley’s resignation, both effective at the end of the 2023 – 2024 school year, were accepted.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.