The Atchison County Commission met Thursday, December 21, 2023. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner  Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.

Clerk Taylor presented the legal services with Schraeder Law Firm for review and approval. The commissioners voted to renew the agreement for 2024.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Kamron Woodring was in to discuss the purchase of an excavator. He had two state bids with Source-well through Murphy Tractor. One was for a John Deere 60 and the other was for a John Deere 85. He felt the John Deere 85 would meet their needs the best. After reviewing budget numbers for 2024, the commission agreed to move forward with approving the purchase and put off trading the 2015 grader until mid-year when the 2025 model comes out.

Emergency Management Director Rhonda Wiley was in to discuss departmental matters and the budget.

Clerk Taylor presented an Order of the Commission for review and approval for the renewal of the ag rock levy. This levy allows the commission to levy up to $1.00 per acre on all agricultural land in Atchison County to help pay for rock needed to maintain the rural roads within the county. This levy was passed in 2014, and it will be sunsetting in 2024. Over 50% of the ag landowners in Atchison County reside outside of Atchison County. Since its original passage, the commission has only implemented 50 cents per year which has provided enough revenue to help offset the increased cost for rock to maintain rural county roads. The commissioners voted to approve the ballot language and certify the issue to Clerk Taylor for placement on the April 2, 2024, ballot for renewal.



Shall the County of Atchison be authorized to levy and impose a tax on all real property in the county which is classified as agricultural or horticultural property at a rate not to exceed one dollar ($1.00) per acre for a period of 10 years from the date which such tax is first imposed, with all the proceeds of the tax to be placed in the “Special Road Rock Fund” and used solely for the purpose of purchasing road rock to be placed on county roads within the boundaries of the county? This is a continuation of the present tax levy. (Voters will select yes or no on the ballot.)

Clerk Taylor then presented an Order of the Commission for review and approval for the renewal of the economic sales tax for rock. This sales tax brings in revenue from sales in Atchison County and is used to help pay for rock needed to maintain the rural roads within the county. This sales tax was originally passed in 1994 and was renewed in 2014. It will be sunsetting in 2024. The commissioners voted to approve the ballot language and certify the issue to Clerk Taylor for placement on the April 2, 2024, ballot for renewal.



Shall the County of Atchison extend the county-wide sales tax at the rate of one-half cent for a period of 10 years from the date which such tax is first imposed for the purpose of funding the local share of road rock? This will continue the tax at its current rate for the purpose of maintaining county roads. (Voters will be asked to select yes or no on the ballot.)

The commissioners will be available during regular session to discuss this issue and remind voters that this is not a new tax, it is only a renewal of the existing tax that funds the rock that is placed on local county roads. This sales tax was originally passed in 1994 with a 10-year sunset. It will allow the county to continue to maintain roads at its current level.

Clerk Taylor then reported that she had visited with Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) Director Monica Bailey, and it was the desire of the ACDC board to place the renewal of the ACDC sales tax on the April ballot. Once again, this is a renewal of the current sales tax in place to support economic development in Atchison County. The commissioners voted to approve the ballot language and certify the issue to Clerk Taylor for placement on the April 2, 2024, ballot for renewal.



Shall the County of Atchison County continue a county-wide sales tax at the rate of one-fourth of 1% (1/4) cent, for a period of 5 years from the date of which such tax is first imposed, for funding the operation of the county-wide economic development office? This is a continuation of the present tax levy. (Voters will be asked to select yes or no on the ballot.)

The commission began final review of the 2024 budget with Clerk Taylor.