Atchison County establishments that sell food and drinks receive health inspections, once, twice, or three times a year depending on the type of foods sold and risk to the public. Priority Items noted must receive immediate action within 72 hours or as stated. Core Items are to be corrected by the next regular inspection or as stated. (PHF stands for Potentially Hazardous Foods and COS stands for Corrected On Site.)

The following businesses were inspected December 27, 2023:

River Rock Lanes

606 S. Main

Rock Port, Missouri

• Priority Items: None were reported.

• Core Items: Bag of buns on floor (COS). Damaged door on chest freezer. Damaged flooring by pizza oven.

Rock Port Nutrition Site

505 Country Club Drive

Rock Port

• Priority Items: Dirty can opener (COS). Spray wand at dishwasher able to hang below rim of sink – No air gap (discussed). 

Community Hospital-Fairfax

26136 Hwy. 59

Fairfax, Missouri

• Priority Items: None were reported.

• Core Items: None were reported.