The Fairfax R-3 School Board met November 14, 2023. Jon Graves, board president, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance were: Brett Johnson, Miles Smith, Treyvor Umbarger, Theresa Larson, and Crystal Woodring (via Zoom), board members; Nick Kemerling, superintendent; Jeremy Burright, principal; and Karen Burke, secretary. Chance Clement was absent.
The agenda was approved as presented.
Consent Agenda
The consent agenda included a review of minutes of the October 18, 2023, reorganization, regular, and executive sessions, and the financial report.
The monthly bills in the amount of $94,204.99 were reviewed and approved for payment.
Superintendent’s Report
Scott Mahoney of Pinnacle Electric came to the school at the end of last month to work on gym lighting. Two of the large 1000w lights were repaired, along with at least four of the smaller lights over the bleachers.
The maintenance staff has winterized the football field restrooms and secured the barn to store the mowers and yard equipment until next spring.
Demolition of the house on the north side of the school is scheduled to be done later this month. The school will look at the possibility of adding a walking ramp to the lot/parking area through a grant in the future.
A representative from the school’s insurance company did a walk through of the facilities last week. The school was given some suggestions that included carbon monoxide detectors in the kitchen and FACS room, along with some improvements to the playground play area and the fence surrounding the playground.
A report was given on the EA Wolves’ fall sports and junior high basketball.
Renovations on the Fairfax city baseball field have started. Head baseball coach Cal Nichols met with John Brown and the contractor working on the field last week about the upgrades. Mr. Kemerling spoke with the Tarkio administration regarding the field and was told if the Fairfax field is ready this spring they are open to arranging the schedule so Fairfax can have at least one home game.
Superintendent’s Spotlight
Ms. Wyatt and Amelia Larson presented a slide show of their trip to the National FFA convention for band.
Principal’s Report
Dr. Burright reported on ELA, PD update, and the Veterans Day assembly.
Information on MAP test results was shared.
Board members voted to approve the consent agenda.
New Business
The following bills were approved: MFA Oil, $1,407.20, diesel and gas; Conrad and Higgins, $3,075, annual audit; hotel bill for state cross country, $1,219.32; Scholastic, $1,245.30, Book Fair inventory; Seitz Fundraising, $1,802.23, FFA fruit sales; Tyler SIS, $3,000.00 for a “local install” of the student information system data from the past several years; December payment of salary grant bonus amount to teachers with the December paycheck; and Imagine Learning, $1,584, Imagine Learning Odysseyware.
It is the consensus of the board to allow Galen to start replacing the current lights in the cafeteria and elementary classrooms throughout December to take advantage of the Evergy Rebate Program. The rebate would pay $70 per fixture replaced, which would more than cover the cost of a new LED fixture.
Fairfax uses the DESE model of the SPED plan. Board members approved the annual SPED Plan.
Old Business
After speaking with the attorney regarding the student transportation policy, the school can allow students to transport themselves to practice. Students can also be allowed to transport siblings/teammates if they follow license restrictions with parent/guardian permission. The school’s attorneys have drawn up a hold harmless form and will draw up additional form for driving others. The school will continue to provide transportation to those who cannot transport themselves. Board members voted to amend the handbook to allow personal student transportation to and from school under the guidance of administrators.
Board members discussed gym lighting options. The circular option does not include frosted covers to control the brightness when looking up. The school will receive a total of $2,200 in rebates with either option. Board members voted to approve the linear lighting of $24,800 for the gymnasium.