January 14, 1949

• A year ago, the Atchison County Mail drew attention to the fact that the Fentiman & Amthor barbershop had 17 calendars displayed on its walls. Well, the shop has outdone itself this year as customers can now find 25 1949 calendars of all descriptions displayed.

• Dave Massock, representing the Wright Motor Co., has presented the dual control driver training car to the Rock Port schools. Rock Port is the only school in Atchison County offering behind-the-wheel instruction.

• Luther Bunn, who lives near the Harold Luhrs place south of Rock Port, lost his henhouse and some 60 chickens last Sunday morning by fire.

• Funeral services were recently held for Washington L. Zuck, who was born April 24, 1873. He was a prominent and well-known farmer in the Centennial community and was a former presiding judge at the Atchison County Court. 

January 10, 1974

• Cox’s Conglomerations: “The snow is so beautiful and white, Oh what a wonderful sight, Light as a feather it seems to be, Unless you have to shovel it, Wowee!”

• Voter registration brought out 3,210 people for the first registration of this type in Atchison County, but there are still about 1,226 eligible voters in the county who have not registered.

• Atchison County’s five banks and their savings and time deposit investors should be aware of the fact that the 4% intangible tax imposed by the State of Missouri on interest from these sources will cease to be collected in 1974. The tax amounted to $68,999.60 in 1973 from county taxpayers.

• Robert D. Taylor, Rock Port, was recently honored by the Missouri State Highway Department for having completed 25 years of employment with the department. 

• County Assessor Richard Halliday of Tarkio has purchased controlling interest in the Raines Abstract and Loan Company.

January 7, 1999

• Two local teachers and three area businessmen left Sunday, January 3, on a Rotary Group Study Exchange to India for a month. Locals making the trip are Steven Sayer, history teacher at Rock Port, and Gary Wilkinson, a teacher-counselor at Tarkio Academy.

• Ken Riley has accepted the Rock Port Postmaster position. Mr. Riley is a Tarkio High School graduate.

• The local branch of The Salvation Army raised a grand total of $4,294.74 over the Christmas holiday season.

• The family of Loraine Hunter Walker Henderson donated $5,000 to Community Hospital Association in Fairfax in memory of Loraine. Loraine’s father, Weaver S. Walker, was one of the community members who so diligently collected donations and pledges for the building of the hospital and he was the first president of the board of directors.