The Rock Port R-II Board of Education held a regular meeting Tuesday, January 11, 2024. President Regan Griffin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Board members present were Regan Griffin, Afton Schomburg, Troy Cook, Kayla Sierks, Jared Meyerkorth, Reven Herron, and Joanna Burke. Also present were: Dr. Bollinger, superintendent; Donnie Parsons, high school principal; Dr. Stephen Waigand, elementary principal; Jennifer Welch, board secretary; and Shauna Farmer and Chris Horn, guests.
Dr. Bollinger added a new agenda item to the agenda. The Rock Port Youth Athletics Association made a request for the school to pay for new bleachers for the baseball field, with the RPYAA reimbursing the school. The agenda was adopted.
Board members also approved the minutes of the regular meeting December 14, 2023.
Dr. Bollinger reviewed the financial information. Board members voted to transfer money from Fund 1 to Fund 2, and approved the December final check register and the January check register to date.
Dr. Bollinger read thank you notes from Jennifer Geib and Carol Herron.
Chris Horn gave a construction update on the new building.
Dr. Waigand and Mr. Parsons gave the elementary and high school principals reports.
Dr. Bollinger went over his monthly program evaluation report. This month’s report was over the guidance program. Mrs. Farmer spoke to the board about what she does and answered questions.
Afton Schomburg gave the TABS report.
The consent agenda was approved.
Board members took action to approve the 2024 – 2025 calendar.
New Business
Board members approved ordering and paying for the bleachers. Troy Cook abstained. RPYAA will reimburse the school the full $41,194.
Executive Session
The board moved into executive session in accordance with RSMo.610.021 Sub-section (3), (13) Personnel Matters at 7:49 p.m. Dr. Waigand and Mr. Parsons left executive session at 8:30 p.m. Following their departure, principal evaluations were discussed.
The board returned to open session at 9:02 p.m. Dr. Waigand and Mr. Parsons returned to the meeting.
NewBusiness – Personnel
The board took action to offer employment to Jordan Christian as a driver for a student.
The board also voted unanimously to extend contracts to Mr. Parsons and Dr. Waigand until June 30, 2026.
Future business was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.