February 11, 1949
• Mrs. Otto Spiegel observed her 90th birthday in Tarkio Thursday. She came to Tarkio from Monmouth, Illinois, as a bride in 1882. She has resided in Tarkio since that time.
• Patricia Ann Shipley, two-week-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shipley, is reportedly doing very well at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, where a rare operation was performed Monday morning. The infant had no connection from the esophagus to the stomach when she was born January 28.
• The restaurant at 219 Main Street, previously known as the Tarkio Cafe, has been purchased by Lewis Stevens. Under his management, the eating place will be known as the Best Cafe. The new owner operated The Green Lantern cafe in Tarkio prior to 1946.
• Remodeling of the offices and display room of the Tarkio Lumber Co., Inc., First and Main streets, is nearing completion.
February 14, 1974
• The February meeting of the Atchison County Flying Association will be held Thursday, February 2, at Gould Peterson Airport just east of Tarkio. A film entitled “From the Ground Up” will be shown and refreshments will be served.
• Alphi Phi Omega national service fraternity has formed a chapter at Tarkio College with a dedication to community service. One of their first efforts was washing and waxing the Tarkio fire trucks and police patrol car.
• The L. R. Hooper Insurance Agency, Tarkio, has incorporated since the recent death of Mr. Hooper and will be known as L.R. Hooper, Inc., with Mrs. Hooper as owner. Lee Eddie Stevens, who has been associated with the business for some time, will act as manager.
• Tim Bolton of Tarkio has a role in “Man of La Mancha” at Northwest Missouri State University.
• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace of Tarkio will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary February 18 in their new home. An open house will be held February 17 for friends and relatives.
February 11, 1999
• The Tarkio Community Garden Club held a memorial service at their January meeting to honor Marjorie Niemann, who had been a faithful member. They also discussed ways to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the old Atchison County schoolhouse on Hwy. 59 in Tarkio. Bird lady Emma Crowder was the guest speaker and discussed various ways to feed, water, and nurture different types of birds. Bird house patterns were passed out.
• The Tarkio High School Basketball Homecoming coronation saw Jesse Knox crowned as king and Jamie Johnson crowned as queen.
• The Tarkio Cub Scouts held their annual Father-Son Bakeoff. Winners were: Best Taste – Austin Sickman; Best Decoration – Kyle Heits; and Most Original – Brad Crabtree. Awards were also presented to the top three popcorn salesman: 1st – Jacob Riley; 2nd – Matthew Brought; and 3rd – Austin Sickman.
• Members of the Technology Student Association at Tarkio High School traveled to Jefferson City in January and Tarkio students Daryl Wiley and Jeff Agnew and instructor Bill Lindsay were appointed to state leadership committees for TSA. The Tarkio students were given the task of making the 20 plaques for the state competition in April.