The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at Tarkio City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by City Clerk Danielle Madron: aldermen Scott Walker, Blu Dow, Jeff Olson, and Jeff Agnew were present.Visitors present were: City of Tarkio employees – Police Chief Tyson Gibbons, Park Superintendent Chris Niles, and Street Su-perintendent Jamie Quimby; Atchison County Health Coalition members Julie Livengood, Jamie Baker, Teri Harr, and Janene McEnaney; and Tarkio citizens – Donnie Dockins, Darrell Wiley, Lori Staten, Laura Gibbons, Jason Burke, Jerry Henning, Michael Klosek, Sr., and Dallas Prather.

Mayor Staten asked for approval of the regular meeting minutes from January 10, 2024. They were approved by all.

Elections will be April 2, 2024. Candidates for the April 2 election are as follow: South Ward Alderman, Jeff Agnew; North Ward Alderman, Blu Dow and Brittany Vogler; and Mayor, Laura Gibbons and Darrell Wiley. There will also be a tax proposal on the ballot: Shall the City of Tarkio, Missouri, impose a sales tax of one-half cent for the purpose of paying the costs of purchasing a new fire truck and future improvements to city buildings and equipment?

Mayor Staten gave the first reading of Bill 309.24 Ordinance 295.24: An ordinance adopting an amended budget for the City of Tarkio’s fiscal year April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. Dow made a motion to approve Bill 309.24 Ordinance 295.24 and the motion was seconded and approved by all.

Mayor Staten gave the second reading of  Bill 309.24 Ordinance 295.24. It was approved by all. Bill 309.24 Ordinance 295.24 was adopted.

Mayor Staten gave the first reading of Bill 310.24 Ordinance 296.24: An ordinance prohibiting smoking in workplaces and public places within the City of Tarkio. Agnew made a motion to approve Bill 310.24 Ordinance 296.24. The motion was seconded and the following votes were taken: Olson aye, Dow aye, Walker nay, and Agnew aye.

Mayor Staten gave the second reading of Bill 310.24 Ordinance 296.24. Dow made a motion to approve Bill 310.24 Ordinance 296.24. The motion was seconded and the following votes were taken: Olson aye, Dow aye, Walker nay, and Agnew aye. Bill 310.24 Ordinance 296.23 was adopted.

Mayor Staten asked for the approval of Resolution 71.24: Appointment to Tarkio Housing Board. Nathan Peters was selected to replace Curtis Evans. Dow made a motion to approve Resolution 71.24. The motion was seconded and approved by all. Resolution 71.24 was adopted.

Mayor Staten asked the council to approve the following 2024 Tarkio Volunteer Fire Department appointment: Ryan Sutter was appointed secretary and treasurer. Olson made a motion to approve the appointment.  The motion was seconded and approved by all.

Mayor Staten asked for the approval of The Roost Eatery one-day caterer’s license for the March 30 comedy event at the Tarkio Community Building. Walker made a motion to approve the license and the motion was seconded and approved by all.

Clerk Madron presented the council with the contract from Hale Construction Services, LLC, for the 2024 curb work project. Clerk Madron asked that the council review and approve the contract. Walker made a motion to approve the contract as presented and the motion was seconded and approved by all.

The council members would like to table any discussion dealing with the Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission until more information is received from the USDA and until the analysis comes in from the water commission.

Chris Niles presented the council with two separate bids for a new animal control/park truck. Larson Motors gave a bid of $47,008.00 and Reed Chevrolet gave a bid of $49,365.00. The council proposed sending back a counter offer to Larson Motors in the amount of $40,000. Agnew mad a motion to counter offer $40,000 and to cap the offer at $44,000. The motion was seconded and approved by all.

Department Reports

Blu Dow, City Buildings – Dow is meeting with a tuckpointing company on Thursday about the tuckpointing that needs to be done at City Hall. The new doors for the Community Building have been put on hold for the moment and will be approached at a later date.

Jeff Agnew, Fire Department – There was nothing to report.

Jeff Olson, Parks & Pool – Chris Niles gave a report: Several leaks were found in the gutter system at the pool. Several pressure checks done and leaks have been repaired. They are currently working on sandblasting at the pool. The crow’s nest at the baseball field has been taken down and a new one will be going back up shortly.

Scott Walker, City Streets – Jamie Quimby’s report was given:

• Repairs/Equipment – 2,500-hour maintenance was done on the front loader. Some hoses on the front loader cracked and started leaking during the snow and extreme cold; these were replaced. Quimby has ordered some extra parts to keep on hand for the snow blades and some extra hoses for the front loader so they should be prepared if something were to break down.

• RV Park – There are no campers at this time. The shed has been cleaned out and they are expecting an estimate for tin siding. When the shed is done the new Christmas décor will be moved into it.

• Snow Removal – There was another major winter storm event after the meeting last month, but this one had extreme cold along with it. In the three days during this event, a total of 85-man hours were worked. This does not take into account time spent after the storm keeping drifts cleared because of high winds the next week. There were some minor issues with hydraulic hoses leaking. This is to be expected with the very cold temps.

• Potholes – Some potholes have been patched. The crew will continue to address bigger ones when possible.

Curtis Hedrick, Tarkio Board of Public Works – Agnew read the report that was sent for the meeting. Some manhole work will be done this spring. Concrete work on driveways and street patches will be done once the weather warms up consistently. The council was given a draft copy of the meeting minutes from the January 23, 2024, Atchison County Wholesale Water Commission meeting at the Velma Houts Building in Rock Port, Missouri.

Mark Staten, Gould Peterson Municipal Airport – There was nothing to report.

Chris Niles, Animal Control – Chris has prepared the building for the annual inspection.

Tyson Gibbons, Tarkio Police Department – Tyson presented the council with a bid amount for a new computer for the police department. The bid was from Midwest Data Center in Rock Port in the total amount of $2,500.00. Agnew made a motion to approve the purchase of a new computer. The motion was seconded and approved by all. There are currently still no applicants for the open police officer position. Clerk Madron has collected the insurance money from the fire at 408 Myrtle Street. Once the debris is cleaned up, the money will be returned to the landowner.

Danielle Madron, City Financials – Clerk Madron is trying to finalize the 2024-2025 budget and asks that any known changes be brought to her before the March 6 meeting.

A break was taken from 7:10 to 7:15 p.m.

The aldermen voted to enter into executive session per Chapter 610.021 Section 3 hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting a particular employee, etc.

Walker made a motion to close executive session per Chapter 610.021 Section 3 hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting a particular employee, etc. Olson seconded and all approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. There will be a special meeting Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Next month’s regular meeting will be Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.