Submitted by Jeanette Barcus, Certified Natural Health Consultant

Allergies are intimately related to the strength of the immune system. Here are a few things you can do to naturally lessen allergy symptoms:

A folk remedy cure for hay fever is to eat raw, non-irradiated and unfiltered local honey.

A spoon of honey and some raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water is said to prevent allergies.

Aromatherapy for Allergies – Lavender essential oil, in a light carrier oil, can be massaged into the chest to reduce spasms.

Stay Hydrated – Some hay fever sufferers experience relief almost as soon as they drink two or more glasses of water.

Strengthen Your Immune System – Help the immune system by eating simple meals in as natural a state as possible. Increase intake of magnesium (beans and nuts), B vitamins, vitamin A (fish, yellow and green vegetables), iron (sesame seeds and preservative free dried fruit) and vitamin C (fresh citrus fruit and vegetables).

Nasal Irrigation with a Neti Pot – Nasal irrigation can relieve chronic sinus problems as well as provide acute allergy relief.

Nutritionally, Pantothenic acid,quercetin and L-glutamine are each thought to help reduce allergy reactions.

Omega-3 fatty acids also help by reducing inflammation in the body. Vitamin C helps your body to produce adrenal hormones to fight stress and reduce the histamine response that causes allergy flare-ups.

Homeopathy – Some of the common remedies are Allium cepa, Arsenicum, Pulsatilla and Nux vomica.

(Resources: www.natural