The Fairfax R-3 School District Board of Education met June 20, 2024. Miles Smith called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Also present were: Shelby Hurst, Courtney Grossman,  Brett Johnson, Chance Clement, and Crystal Woodring, board members; Nick Kemerling, superintendent; and Karen Burke, secretary. Treyvor Umbarger was absent.

Board members voted to approve the agenda including additions and deletions.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda included a review of the minutes of the May, 2024, regular and executive session. An addition was made to the executive session minutes that Crystal Woodring joined via Zoom.

The financial report showed expenses for the month of May were $198,775.76 and revenue was $174,835.30. The year-to-date revenues are 16% over the total budgeted revenues and the school has spent approximately 97% of its budgeted expenses. Year-to-date revenue is $2,728,012.20 and year-to-date expenses are $2,098,500.91. The fund balance report showed a total of $2,341,532.27.

The monthly bills in the amount of $198,775.76 were reviewed and approved for payment.

Board members voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda.

Superintendent’s Report

Maintenance and custodial work was reported on. Summer work is underway.

They are still looking for gravel bids.

Mr. Kemerling met with the Fairfax Booster Club to check and work on items for the facilities improvement plan.

New Business

Mr. Kemerling reviewed the 2024-2025 budget with the board. Board members voted unanimously to  approve the 2024-2025 budget as presented.

A transfer of $28,557.01 from Fund 1 to Fund 4 was approved. This transfer is to cover various bills throughout the year such as tech purchases, building improvements, and building maintenance.

Revision of Board Policy 2656 was discussed last month. Discussion was tabled and will be discussed at the July board meeting in old business.

The following bills were approved:

• WBN Lawn Care, $1,200, for bank mowing in the month of May.

• Midwest Data Center, $2,518.46, for switch replacement. This switch is located in the elementary and has been frequently leaving that part of the building without internet.

• First Student, $1,194.38, for May vo-tech transport.

The revised 20244-25 salary schedule included adjustments due to the state upping the minimum baseline teacher salary grant from $38,000 to $40,000.  This will increase Fairfax R-3’s state reimbursement from $18,000 to over $40,000 for the 2024-25 school year. The revised salary schedules were unanimously approved.

Board members unanimously voted to approve a $.10 increase to the current meal prices to help offset the increase in cost to the district for purchase of food items.

One bid for gravel was received from Chris King of Tarkio. Fairfax R-3 School was required to purchase $3,000 worth of gravel when they were gifted the lot. The bid would add two loads of gravel to make an exit driveway to the north that will keep high school students from driving alongside the elementary pick-up line after school. It will also allow the school to expand the existing lot a few feet to the west. Board members voted to approve the bid for $3,001 worth of mill fillings and rock to put on the lot north of the school. 

Board members approved the NWEA testing renewal at a cost of $1,740.

They also approved an agreement with Mound City School District for the 2024-25 speech-language pathologist, Jennifer Daniels. The cost of this will be $13,657 for one day per week and payable in two payments of $6,828.50.

The Really Great Reading program purchase will be ordered immediately but paid for out of next year’s budget. Board members approved the payment of $3,181.50 for the resources.

The purchase of science curriculum materials from McGraw Hill Science Resources for the 2024-25 school year in the amount of $11,023.93 was approved. This will be ordered immediately, but paid for out of next year’s budget.

Payment of $4,800 from next year’s budget to renew the school’s subscription for Edgenuity Online Instruction was approved.

The next regular board meeting will be Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.