July 22, 1949

• The cement driveway leading from the street to the ambulance entrance of the Fairfax Community hospital is being poured this week by C.P. Kincannon and helpers. Plaster work inside the hospital is nearing completion and one of the patient rooms has been decorated like all the others will be decorated. Equipment will soon be installed there for it to be a sample room to be viewed by clubs and individuals.

• Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Whitford and Marciana moved into their new home in east Fairfax Monday. The new house is the popular ranch-style with three bedrooms, utility room, adjoining garage, and large living room with a fireplace and picture windows.

• Contractor Fred Eisert has started work on the Fairfax sewer system. Work started at the river and Tuesday morning the ditch had been dug and tile laid to a point east of the levee.

July 25, 1974

• Four electric beds were recently donated to Community Hospital by the Auxiliary. The total of this donation was $3,281.

• When Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Means heard some trucks doing a lot of honking as they drove by their house on U.S. 59 south of Fairfax they thought nothing of it, as traffic had picked up lately. But then, neighbor Wilbur Wright came ringing the bell and asking them why they weren’t fighting the fire raging in their front yard. Apparently, a carelessly tossed cigarette ignited the dry grass and a trucker who had seen the fire as he passed the Means’ residence had stopped at Wright Implement Shop up the road to report it.

• Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Moore of Nora Springs, Iowa, have entered into a contract to buy the residence property of the late Katherine Taylor. They, with their young son, Ched, will move to Fairfax sometime in August. Mr. Moore will be associated with Moore Bros. Oil Company.

• Five boys from Skidmore, Fairfax, and Savannah are among the 75 seventh and eighth grade youths attending a weeklong basketball camp at NWMSU. J Smith and Ted Graves are the Fairfax players attending.

• Seven Boy Scouts left for a week at Camp Geiger Sunday. They are Kirby Carder, Reese Luttrell, Doyle Yandell, Mark Smith, Doug Miller, Todd Walker, and Roger Ray.

July 22, 1999

• Kathy Linden, R.T., has retired from Community Hospital following 20 years of service in the radiology department. Kathy headed to London, England, the next day with her granddaughter to chaperone and celebrate her longtime health care devotions.

• The Masonic Lodge has chosen the Fairfax City Park as its charity project this summer. The members have met several times during the summer to clean up the park, reseal equipment, paint the jungle gym, and place new wood chips around the play areas.

• The Nebraska Health System in Omaha has signed a letter of intent to invest in Community Hospital Association in Fairfax.