The Atchison County Commission met Thursday, June 27, 2024. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.
Bids to provide and install a security surveillance camera system at the Atchison County 911 office were opened and read at 8:30 a.m. Director Rhonda Wiley was present for the opening. Bids were received from the following: Midwest Data Center, $21,436.01; MTE Office Center, $8,343.89; Northwest A/V, LLC, $8,550.00; C&C Group, $16,728.00; and Freedom Security, LLC, $11,481.55 plus $588.00 annually. The commissioners voted to table all bids to allow time for Director Wiley to review and compare all bids.
Bids to install a security access control to the entrance door at the Atchison County 911 office were opened and read at 8:45 a.m. read. Bids were received from the following: Midwest Data Center, $6,308.50; C&C Group, $5,200.00; and Freedom Security, LLC, $5,645.00. Once again, due to the amount of information included with each bid, the commissioners voted to table all bids to allow time for Director Wiley to review and compare all bids.
The commission opened Requests for Qualifications for the construction phase of BRO-24, BRO-25 and BRO-26 at 9:00 a.m. Road and Bridge Supervisor Kamron Woodring was present for the opening. RFQs were received from Snyder & Associates and GRE Great River Engineering. Great River Engineering submitted an RFQ at the original letting, but Snyder & Associates had not. MoDOT required request for RFQs to be posted for an additional two weeks due to only receiving one RFQ at the first letting.
The commission tabled the discussion to allow Supervisor Woodring time to review the RFQ from Snyder & Associates. After review, it was his recommendation to complete the current projects with GRE Great River Engineering since they had done the design phase. The commissioners voted to approve the RFQ from GRE Great River Engineering for BRO-R003-24 Bridge (Ranch 11).
The second RFQ was for BRO-003-25 (Kirby) Bridge. After review and discussion the commissioners voted to approve the RFQ from GRE Great River Engineering for BRO-R003-25 (Kirby Bridge).
The third RFQ was for BRO-003-26 (Opp) Bridge. After review and discussion the commissioners voted to approve the RFQ from GRE Great River Engineering for BRO-R003-26 (Opp Bridge).
The commission met with Melissa Comstock regarding concerns she had with S Avenue leading to her home. Road and Bridge Supervisor Kamron Woodring was present for the discussion. The road and bridge department had been doing necessary maintenance on S Avenue by pulling in lost rock, ditching and crowning the road. Unfortunately, it was followed by a light ½ inch of rain which made the road extremely soft. Presiding Commissioner Livengood drove the road a total of five times following the complaint and agreed that it was not good first thing that morning, but by noon it was a totally different road. Supervisor Woodring took immediate action to pack the road following the complaint. South District Commissioner Burke told her the same thing happened to his road following this same type of work and requested she give it the time needed to settle out. He stated the work done has made it a totally different road and it drains as needed now. Mrs. Comstock was still extremely unhappy with the maintenance on the road and said it should have been left alone. Presiding Commissioner Livengood stated that with over 600 miles of road to maintain, there will be times that the weather plays a part in progress. Presiding Commissioner Livengood will continue to monitor the road.
The commission reviewed an amended lease agreement between the Atchison County Emergency Management and the Atchison County Library for the use of the lower level of the Tarkio branch as the emergency operation center during a disaster and for training. It was changing the name from the Tarkio Resource Center to the Atchison County Library Tarkio Branch. Following review it was signed by Presiding Commissioner Livengood. No vote was taken since it was already in place.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Woodring reported to the commission that the stock repair rock on hand has been depleted to the point that it should be replaced. He inquired about adding 1,000 tons to the Rock Port barn and the Fairfax barn. Clerk Taylor reviewed the budget numbers and reported sufficient funds were budgeted and available to do that and more if needed. The commission advised Supervisor Woodring to move forward as needed.
Supervisor Woodring then presented an inventory list of pipes for culverts on hand, what is currently on order, and a list of culverts he needs to order. The commission approved the state and local fiscal recovery funds to be used for county infrastructure with culvert and bridge replacements in mind. The commission approved moving forward with the order of inventory needed.
There being no further business, the commission adjourned.
The Atchison County Commission did not meet on Thursday, July 4, 2024. Clerk Taylor received notice from Kathy Lloyd, State Courts Administrator, that Governor Parson had authorized the closing of state offices on Friday, July 5, 2024, in celebration of Independence Day. Atchison County follows state closures and was closed on July 5.
Rhonda Wiley, Emergency Management Director, contacted Clerk Susette Taylor and requested that the following be documented in the minutes of the commission:
At 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood signed an Emergency Declaration Order for Atchison County in connection with the severe flooding along the Missouri River in Atchison County. This put everything in place if emergency assistance was needed from the state over the holiday weekend.