The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Monday, June 3, 2024, at 3:15 p.m. for a closed meeting regarding personnel matters and privileged legal communications pursuant to Section 610.021 (3) & (1) RSMo.


The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 2:45 p.m. for a closed meeting regarding personnel matters pursuant to Section 610.021 (3) RSMo.


The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Kelley Herron, Michael Graves, and Jeff Geib. Also present were Utility Office Manager Terri McGuire, City Clerk Emily Schulte, and Police Chief Derek Morriss. Visitors present were Scott and Jessica Walker, Andy Riley, Jody and Breanna VanSickle, Kimberly Brake, Nate and Rochelle Long, W.C. Farmer, Sheena Roup, Thea Lewis, Paige Sloop, Lisa Farmer, and Jax Lutz.

Mayor Amy Thomas called the meeting to order then led the meeting in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Thomas moved to amend the meeting agenda to swear in a Board of Alderman appointment. The motion died for lack of a second.

The meeting agenda was approved.

The aldermen also approved the meeting minutes for May 16 and 29, and June 3 and 4, 2024.

Andy Riley spoke with all in attendance about his candidacy for Atchison County Sheriff.

Lewis submitted a special event permit application on behalf of the 4th of July Committee. It was approved.

It was asked if waivers still had to be turned in if the Chamber put the events under their insurance policy. It was confirmed that they do since events are taking place on city property.

Nathan and Rochelle Long have purchased some properties on Washington Street and inquired about vacating an alley and street which separate the lots. The area sectioned for a potential expansion of Third Street was never developed and it isn’t believed ever would be. It wasn’t believed the alley was ever utilized either, as it is overgrown.

It was relayed that no potential issues could be seen, however the board wanted to first speak with the superintendent and city attorney. It was suggested to follow suit with the Second Street expansion area as well.

Consent Agendas

The aldermen approved the city financial statements, accounts payable, tax report, delinquent tax list, the City Clerk, Chief of Police, and all board reports.

They also approved the utility financial statements, accounts payable, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Office Manager report and City Superintendent report.

No bids were received on the 2014 Dodge Charger. The new Durango was ordered today and this Charger can be used as a trade-in.

Mayor Thomas believes there was once an ordinance within the city code regulating when political signs could be posted. Riley relayed that Tarkio’s ordinance allows signs to be posted once the candidate is certified.

The aldermen approved the appointments of Julie Burke to the Planning Commission and Philip Angle and Alyssa Beck to the Tourism Board. They also voted to reappoint Jill Lager to the Park Board.

The aldermen voted unanimously to approve Jennifer Geib’s resignation from the park board.

Given Schulte’s resignation, the software previously approved won’t be able to be completed by the allocation deadlines. Schulte recommended the funds be transferred to the Street Department for a dump trailer. She also suggested the board assist the new city clerk with finding funds for municipality and financial software once they’re ready to take that project on, as it’s been a need for a long time.

The aldermen voted to utilize the remainder of the ARPA funds towards a dump trailer.

Bill #1244 – Nuisance and Bill #1245 – Unsafe Building were tabled until they hear back from City Attorney Gagnon.

Schulte gave an update on the CDBG project:

• the sample ordinances were updated, submitted within the packet, and sent to the attorney for review

• a delegate needs to be appointed to update the required dilapidated structures map sent which was forwarded to the board

• the Letter to Applicant has been updated and completed

• the Agreement for Demolition has been updated and completed

• a public hearing needs scheduled in July or August following the passing of Bill #1244 and #1245

• a code enforcement officer(s) needs established

It was stated that Restore Rock Port should be brought in to assist with this project. The code enforcement officer will be researched, including reaching out to other communities and organizations to inquire whom they utilize.

Old Business

Thomas stated she intended to appoint Kim Brake to the vacant North Ward Alderman position but wasn’t aware of Schulte’s hours so it didn’t get added to the agenda. Farmer commented that the agenda should have been amended.

Police Chief Derek Morriss offered to answer any questions regarding his submitted written report.

City Clerk Emily Schulte relayed that the Fallen Soldier Cart escort will be coming through Rock Port on June 24. Police Chief Morris had been contacted and he committed to assisting with the procession and visit. The aldermen approved the closure of a portion of Clay Street for the event.

Alderman Michael Graves expressed still wanting to establish a grant committee. He’s thinking around seven members. He’d like Restore Rock Port to have a presence, and potentially the city clerk or another employee. He asked that it be put on next month’s agenda.

Alderman Kelley Herron told a citizen that he would make mention of not all Summer Palooza participants having a wristband and being registered/having a waiver. He suggested maybe more signage next year just to let individuals know, since he heard there were a couple of accidents. Thomas relayed that there were already signs. Not only did registration forms go home from school, but they were available that day. Farmer agreed and stated with the attendance size, one could potentially get missed. VanSickle stated the mechanical bull won’t return next year as it never should have been ordered in the first place.

Herron also reported that Sherlock and Hudson will be beginning water and wastewater training twice a week starting in July lasting for 13 sessions.

Herron then thanked Schulte for her long hours and service to the city.

Mayor Amy Thomas plans to talk more with County Clerk Taylor about rezoning the town and switching from north and south wards to east and west. Whether or not we can do so will be based on census data. She is also talking with Taylor regarding finding additional tax revenues for the park.

Graves also mentioned the park board needing assistance with getting the new playground equipment installed.

VanSickle then wanted to know if the city would be moving forward without a City Clerk since no one has been notified of what’s going on. Herron relayed that an offer was extended.

Herron thanked Jennifer Geib for her years of service on the Rock Port Park Board. Mayor Thomas requested an acknowledgement of service at the next meeting be added to the agenda.

Thomas stated being approached about the amount of electrical surges citizens have encountered recently and she said she’d bring it up, but realizes last night in particular was a bad storm. Farmer responded that it wasn’t that bad of a storm and when Superintendent Thomas was still working for the city it wasn’t near as frequent and inquired what has changed since then. Herron responded that Sherlock is working to get the tree trimmers here, which should be helpful.

The meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m.


The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Tuesday, July 2, 2024, with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Kelley Herron, Michael Graves, and Jeff Geib.

Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order.

The meeting agenda was approved.

The aldermen voted unanimously to adjourn into executive session for personnel records pursuant to Section 610.021 (13) RSMo.

The meeting adjourned into regular session.

The aldermen approved reposting and reopening the City Clerk position.

The meeting then adjourned.


The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Monday, July 15, 2024, for a closed meeting regarding personnel matters pursuant to Section 610.021(13) RSMo.


The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Kim Brake, Kelley Herron, Michael Graves, and Jeff Geib. Also present was Utility Office Manager Terri McGuire, City Clerk Emily Schulte, Superintendent Dennis Sherlock, and Police Chief Derek Morriss. Visitors present were Nate and Rochelle Long, Kristina Ohl, and Carol Mears.

Mayor Amy Thomas called the meeting to order then led the meeting in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

The meeting agenda was approved.

Clerk Schulte swore in appointed North Ward Alderwoman Kim Brake.

Alderman Graves exited the meeting.

Minutes of the June 19, July 2, and July 15, 2024, meetings were approved.

The city consent agenda was tabled until the August meeting for remaining budget report.

The utility consent agenda was approved. This included utility financial statements, accounts payable, purchased power and water statements, take, or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Office Manager report and City Superintendent report.

The 4th of July account release request was tabled until committee members can be present.

The first and second readings of Bill #1244 – Nuisance were approved. Mayor Thomas declared Bill #1244, Ordinance #1244.

The first and second readings of Bill #1245 – Unsafe Building were approved. Mayor Thomas declared Bill #1245, Ordinance #1245.

Mayor Thomas recognized Jennifer Geib’s years of service to the Park Board with a certificate of appreciation.

A quote from ATHCO in the amount of $8400.00 was presented to be signed. The quote was for the installation of the playground equipment recently purchased by the Park Board with ARPA funds. The Tourism Board is considering covering the cost. This was tabled until more information is available.

Discussion on the grant committee was tabled until August meeting.

An update was given on the CDBG. The ordinances were passed earlier in the meeting. Someone inquired if Restore Rock Port could assist with the map needed. The public hearing can be added to the August meeting date. Thomas will ask other entities regarding a potential code enforcer. The Rock Port Police department will issue citations for issues the code enforcer encounters.

A hearing  for the CDBG grant will be scheduled for August 21.

Police Chief Derek Morriss

Herron inquired about nuisances.

City Clerk Emily Schulte

A special event permit application was submitted by Pleasant View Nursing Home. It was tabled until the August meeting.

Thomas noted the special event alcohol wristbands at the 4th of July celebration weren’t monitored closely enough and should be revisited before issuing again.


Dennis Sherlock

Olson was here today regarding plans for street repairs. Sherlock will be gone next week for the annual MIRMA conference. The recent power outage was due to a line of Evergy’s hitting against one of Rock Port’s which eventually caused it to break.

Board members inquired about tree trimmers. Sherlock is speaking with potential contractors, however some trees are the responsibility of the home owners. It was asked if there are any citations being written for trees in the city’s power lines.

Alderman Kelley Herron

Alderman Herron thanked newly appointed Alderwoman Brake for agreeing to fill the board vacancy.

Herron then expressed his gratitude for Brenda Clemens’ 35 years of service to the city. She is retiring at the end of this month.

Mayor Amy Thomas

Mayor Thomas reported several complaints were received regarding the 4th of July festivities at the park. The bounce houses weren’t being manned and if Summer Palooza is expected to do better, the 4th of July Committee should as well.

Thomas then welcomed Brake to the board.

Other Business

Herron inquired if the Longs had anything they were wanting to address. It was then asked if any developments were made regarding their requests to vacate an undeveloped portion of 2nd Street and an alley. The aldermen voted to vacate the west half of the requested portion of street, which is bordered on both sides by the Longs’ properties. Herron noted wanting to verify the whereabouts of all utilities before vacating any further portions.

The aldermen voted to adjourn into executive session at 7:09 p.m. for personnel records pursuant to Section 610.021 (13) RSMo.

The executive session adjourned and regular session resumed. The aldermen voted to extend an offer for the position of City Clerk. Geib seconded.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.


The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Kelley Herron, Michael Graves, Jeff Geib, and Kim Brake. Also present was Utility Office Manager Terri McGuire.

Mayor Amy Thomas called the meeting to order.

Herron moved to approve the meeting agenda. Graves seconded. All votes aye.

Discussion was held on hiring a building inspector from St. Joseph.

Herron moved to appoint Alderman Graves as Ordinance Enforcer. Brake seconded. All votes were aye.

The aldermen voted unanimously to vacate the alley requested by Nate and Rochelle Long at the July 17, 2024, meeting.

The aldermen voted to adjourn into executive session for personnel records pursuant to Section 610.021 (13) RSMo.

The executive session adjourned and the regular session resumed.

Herron moved to set a meeting for August 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with an executive session for personnel. Geib seconded. All votes were aye.

The meeting was then adjourned.