The Rock Port Park Board met May 8, 2024, at the pool shelter house. Members present were Jennifer Geib, Jax Lutz, Sheena Roup, Clint Dougherty, Jill Lager (via phone), Amber Graham, and Andrea Cook. Visitors were Michael Graves, Kelley Herron, Lisa Farmer, Crystal Taylor, Amy Thomas, Kim Daugherty, Jordyn Jakub, Debbie Makings, Ashley, and Jeff Geib.

Jennifer Geib called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.

The meeting agenda, April meeting minutes, and April financials were approved.

The park board is still looking into wood chips. Jennifer advised all present that wood chips must be IPEMA certified, and they would be looking into a grant for rubber due to the cost of rubber being much more expensive.

Rachel will charge other pools to train guards at $25 per guard.

Star Guard cost $3,600 for three audits and MIRMA will reimburse the park board. Board members unanimously approved the audits.

Alderman Graves recommended that all procedures be written down for opening the pool step by step. Jennifer stated she and Sheena were already working on a step-by-step guide, for future park board members.

FBLA received the ACDC beautification grant and utilized it to the toddler play set installation. Jennifer advised all present that new steps had been ordered for the pool.

Other business discussed including the spring service schedule, pool opening, adult swim (Monday through Friday). Pool rates will stay the same for all activities and passes.

New employee paperwork was done as of today for employees that were already hired.

Debbie was working on the Work App so it could be utilized for scheduling as well as requesting days off.

Jill Lager brought to the board’s attention that the park board has not received a copy of the pool repair fund account summary in their monthly packets since 2018. Jennifer added that after receiving a copy of the resolution from 2012, it appears that the pool repair fund expenditure decisions have been incorrect. She was seeking clarification on this process. The park board would like to maximize these funds by placing a portion into an interest bearing CD. Alderman Graves stated that since it was the park’s money and considering the park is currently an administrative board there should be no issues with that.

Geib asked how to transfer said funds under the park board umbrella, and Graves stated they should bring a proposal to the next council meeting to ask for the transfer.

It was discovered that schedule 40 pipe was used in some places instead of schedule 80, causing pipes to burst in the concession stand bathroom and potential hazards above electrical panels. A professional plumber will be contacted to fix and look into the issue.

Logan Pyeatt and Fertilizer Service Company donated weed killer, and MoValley Ag donated two totes of fertilizer to the park area.

Geib stated that bids to fix the fence that was vandalized need to be given to Chief Morriss before June 20, 2024.

Kim Daugherty asked if it was ok for Mike and Drake Daugherty to hang the softball scoreboard. Since they have access to equipment, the park board agreed that was ok.

Crystal Taylor’s application and nomination to the park board was voted on and approved

Alderman Graves gave a presentation on advisory board vs. administrative board.

Board members approved The Rock Port Municipal Utilities bill.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


The Rock Port Park Board held a special meeting June 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Atchison County Memorial Building. Members present were Sheena Roup, Andrea Cook, Devon Sons, Amber Graham, Jackie Lutz, and Jill Lager (via phone).

Park Board liaison and Alderman Michael Graves and City Superintendent Dennis Sherlock were also present.

Sheena Roup called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and read the items on the agenda to be discussed, adding park updates and other business.

The updated meeting agenda was approved.

The pool manager has resigned due to an unforeseen family emergency that will require a lot of her time. The park board noted they appreciate the guards stepping up during this time and taking on extra duties to help keep the pool open and running. Calls have been made to inquire about a new pool manager, with no replacement at this time. Discussions were had about hiring a seasoned guard to fill the co-manager role and assume responsibility for chemical checking and in the water emergencies, then hiring an adult as manager and do the clerical side of things. Sheena will call Star Guard Elite and check on the legalities of the manager role, including whether or not they have to be certified, as well as if there are age limits. She will also check to see if the audits have been scheduled.

Board members voted unanimously to ask a specific community member to be manager of the pool. They also voted to have a seasoned guard be the co-manager assuming that community member did not accept the manager role. Sheena abstained and all other voted aye.

Event discussions were had regarding ways to help with salary increases since multiple people will be taking on extra roles to keep the pool open.

Andrea will talk with Terri regarding remaining manager funds available for use on a new hire.

The guards have put the new stairs together. They need sand put in them and installation.

New playground equipment was scheduled to arrive and the park board was looking for volunteers to help install it. Dennis had offered to bring the forklift down if available at time of delivery.

Trash has not been getting collected on a regular basis. Jill will call Klosek’s to discuss the current schedule. At a previous city council meeting Klosek’s had offered to donate a small rolling dumpster for the summer season.

Michael discussed getting the park board a Liability Waiver for Volunteers. A Code of Conduct for Daily Swimmers is also needed and will be worked on by park board members.

Michael also discussed proposing a tax to the city to create a new job for a park/pool manager. (More discussions to come at a later time.)

The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.