The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) board met August 14, 2024, in the ACDC office. Present were: Lori Seymour, Mary Ann Hull, Jill Davis, Roger Martin, W.C. Farmer, and Craig Corken, board members; and Monica Bailey, director.
Lori Seymour called the meeting to order.
The June meeting minutes were approved.
The June and July financials were approved as presented.
FSB CD #8360 was redeemed July 18. A new 10-month CD at 4.52% was purchased at Citizens Bank & Trust.
Director’s Report
Heather Pemberton, CPA, conducted a procedural review of ACDC on June 17. Her report will be distributed to the board once it is received.
In June, Bailey helped host the Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation meeting in Atchison County, attended MEDC’s annual meeting in Branson, met with Michelle Roofener from Workforce Development/Department of Higher Education about registered apprenticeships, and attended Hoot & Holler’s ribbon cutting.
In July, Bailey met with several businesses about the BI Grant and attended Roundtable in Cameron, the ACA Makers Market planning meeting in Fairfax, and Restore Rock Port.
#TeamAC baseballs are still around the county, and several have participated.
All awarded Business Improvement Grant projects for 2024 have been completed and reimbursed (total of $12k), including one for The Hair Barn in July.
Applications for 2024-2025 Youth Beautification Grant projects (to be completed July 31, 2025, are due October 1. Winners will be announced at the annual meeting.
The Community Cleanup and Beautification Grant is open for projects ranging from $25 to $500. Applications are considered in order of postmark. Two grants have been awarded thus far to groups planting trees in Fairfax: Fairfax Improvement Foundation (City Park) and Fairfax Kiwanis (ballfield).
New Business
The group discussed new businesses and other awardees to recognize at the upcoming annual meeting on October 9.