The Atchison County Commission met Thursday, August 8, 2024. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.

Month-end department reports were reviewed and approved.

Additions and abatements to the tax books were approved as follows:

Personal Property (July 2024) – Additions to the tax books were: 2023, $3,827.41; 2022, $703.07; 2021, $471.79. Abatements to the tax books were: 2023, $394.21.

Real Property (July 2024) – There were no additions or abatements from the real estate books.

Ag Rock (July 2024) – There were no additions or abatements from the ag rock books.

Clerk Taylor reported that the Primary Election held Tuesday, August 6, ran very smooth with a 42% turnout in Atchison County.

At 9:00 a.m. Presiding Commissioner Livengood opened the public hearing to set the 2024 levy rates for Atchison County General Revenue, Atchison County Road and Bridge, Special Road and Bridge, SB-40, Senior Citizens Services, and the Atchison County Solid Waste Landfill.

There were no citizens present for the hearing.

Rates approved for 2024 tax year with no increases from the prior year are: Atchison County General Revenue Fund, .4928; Atchison County Road & Bridge, .4928; Atchison County Solid Waste Landfill, roll back to .0000; Atchison County Senate Bill 40, .0986; Atchison County Senior Services, .0492; and Atchison County Special Road, .3500.The public hearing was closed and the regular session reopened.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Kamron Woodring was present to report that he hired two new employees to the department. Eric Clay and Philip Angle will both begin in mid-August.

The commission met with Melissa Massar, Great River Engineering, at 9:30 a.m. to review construction phase contracts for the following bridge projects: BRO-24 (Tarkio/Ranch 11 Bridge), $54,000; BRO-25 (County/Kirby Bridge), $50,000; and BRO-26 (Langdon/Opp), $50,000. Since all three bridges are being built through the Federal Bridge Program the local match is 11% of the cost. Melissa reviewed all the services that would be provided through the construction phase of the project. After review, the commissioners voted to approve the construction phase contract for BRO-24, BRO-25, and BRO-26. All construction phase contracts were signed by Presiding Commissioner Livengood. Melissa Massar will forward the fully executed copies once signing is completed.

Ms. Massar then presented a supplemental agreement extending the dates on design for all three projects. The commissioners voted to approve and sign the supplemental agreements as presented.

Judge Brett Hurst met with the commission to discuss concerns and needs from the court for addressing mental health needs in Atchison County.

The meeting then adjourned.