The Rock Port Park Board met August 14, 2024. President Sheena Roup called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. Members present were Crystal Goins, Jax Lutz, Andrea Cook, and Devon Sons. Visitors present were City Council Liaison, Michael Graves and Mayor Amy Thomas.

The meeting agenda was approved.

Board members voted to table the approval of financials.

Park Update

• Councilman Graves is in contact with a company to install the toddler park equipment.

• Andrea and Mayor Thomas will be looking at different options for wood chips and will report back.

• There was discussion of fees being charged for use of park facilities for events.

Pool Update

• Closing date is August 16. The guards will clean up and prep for winter on Monday.

• Sheena will be in contact with ACCO to close the pool for the Park Board and Dennis will go down there if need be. Sheena will also set up an opening date for the 2025 season with ACCO.

• The first adult pool party was planned for August 16.

• The Park Board wants to hire and train guards earlier if possible. Crystal will contact area indoor pool facilities to see if that can be done.

New Business

• An area of concern is that the park and pool is currently being operated by a volunteer board and that it isn’t feasible to keep going in that direction. There was discussion on getting the city back into the involvement of the upkeep of the grounds/pool with the possibility of some options. The Park Board and City Council will work together over the winter to work on these concerns.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.