September 9, 1949
• More than an inch of rain fell here Tuesday and 1949 keeps up its record of being one of the wettest of recent years. Weather the past week has been cool and reminds us that fall is near.
• While U.S. Highway 59 is under construction, traffic is being detoured from the wye six miles north of Fairfax to Hamburg over 275, then back to 59 over Iowa’s Highway 333, known as the Goldenrod highway.
• Mrs. Myrtle Sellers of Craig and Mrs. Jeanette Murchie of Tarkio are the teachers at Irish Grove grade school, which opened Monday morning. In grades one, two, three, and four there are 23 pupils and there are 15 in grades five, six, seven, and eight.
• Miss Augusta E. White, organizing regent of the D.A.R. in Atchison County, gave a luncheon at the Blue Bell Tea Room in Fairfax Friday, September 2. Invited guests were members of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Atchison County and those eligible for membership. Twenty-two attended.
September 12, 1974
• The first lady bus driver in the Fairfax School history has been employed to transport the first class of vocational trainees going to the Vocational-Technical School in Maryville. They are Don Calfee, Randy Jones, Greg Wennihan, Hal Kottman, Cale Slemons, and Roger Walker and they are being driven by Karen Roop.
• The first football game of the season saw the Fairfax Bullodgs meet the West Nodaway Rockets last Friday night on the home field. The Bulldogs lost 0-26. The Fairfax Marching Band also made their first performance of the season with original routines performed by the majorettes.
• Seven new teachers have been added to the staff at Fairfax schools: Shirley Rohrbaugh – kindergarten, Margaret Stickelman – library and pep club, Judy Cundall – first grade, Evonne Wright – special education, Vickie Smith – fourth grade, Ann DeRidder – social studies and junior high coach, and Bernice Griffey – fifth grade.
• Jeanette Swackhamer left September 7 for Albertville, France. She will be in training for nine months at Wycliffe Bible Translators and Summer Institute of Linguistics. Following the schooling, Miss Swackhamer will travel to Cameroon in Africa where she has been assigned as a translator.
• A large group of Fairfax farmers attended the annual MFA Agri-Fair in Marshall, Missouri, recently. They toured MFA Research Farm and Proving Grounds on a mobile bleacher and viewed the latest crop varieties, fertilizer and herbicide tests, livestock feeding programs, and farm machinery.
September 9, 1999
• Sheldon Davis of Fairfax earned an award from Burrus Bros. and Associates Growers of Arenzville, Illinois, for having the largest sales increase in 1999. Dealer of the Year was Kirby Miles of Skidmore, Missouri.
• Several new grain bins have been constructed in the Fairfax area over the last few weeks. Stoner Bin Construction of Fairfax is constructing the new bins with the help of a crane from Lisle Construction of Rock Port, Missouri.
• Ask Elsie Fae: “Tattletale Section” – “This week, I met Waldo Thomson’s wife. She told me she was a Graves. (That’s no surprise, 9/10 of the people in Fairfax are related to the Graves family. She said she had been married to Waldo for six years, but it just seemed like a year. That’s better than being married a year and have it seem like six.”