The East Atchison Lady Wolves and Rock Port Lady Blue Jays enjoyed a beautiful day of golf together, along with the Mound City Lady Panthers, Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the Tarkio Golf Course. Pictured are, from left to right, Amelia Larson, Kamryn Brown, Payten Shrader, Jillian Hannah, Emma Teten, Sydnee Bruns, Karlie Gebhards, Savanna Lindsay, Hadleigh Jones, Danika Agnew, Landrey Kelly, Olivia Schaefer, and Star Hankins. (Ken Miller photos)
Lady Wolf Amelia Larson was the match medalist with a score of 50.
The East Atchison Lady Wolves golf team hosted the Rock Port Lady Blue Jays and Mound City Lady Panthers in a golf meet Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the Tarkio Golf Course. The Lady Wolves won the event with a team score of 216, followed by Rock Port in second with 231 and Mound City in third with 258. East Atchison’s Amelia Larson was the match medalist with a 50.
Other Atchison County individual results include: East Atchison – Sydnee Bruns 53, Savanna Lindsay 56, Danika Agnew 56, Jillian Hannah 57, Kamryn Brown 62, Star Hankins 68, and Olivia Schaefer 75; and Rock Port – Payten Shrader 53, Karlie Gebhards 58, Landrey Kelly 59, Emma Teten 61, and Hadleigh Jones 64.
Senior Sydnee Bruns putts. She scored a 53 in the EA win.
Senior Lady Wolf Kamryn Brown chips her ball toward the green. She golfed a 62.
EA’s Jillian Hannah chips, sending her ball a little closer to the green. Her score was 57.
Freshman Lady Wolf Star Hankins putts on hole number 4. She golfed a 68.
Junior Olivia Schaefer takes a swing during the Lady Wolves home golf meet against Rock Port and Mound City.
Freshman Savanna Lindsay had a great day of golf, scoring a 56.
Freshman Danika Agnew tees off at the Tarkio Golf Course. She scored a 56.
Lady Blue Jay Landrey Kelly sends her ball farther down the line in the EA golf meet in Tarkio. She scored a 59.
Rock Port’s Karlie Gebhards chips toward hole number 9. She golfed a 58.
Lady Blue Jay Payten Shrader golfed a 53 in the meet in Tarkio.
Rock Port’s Emma Teten takes aim. She golfed a 61.
Lady Blue Jay Hadleigh Jones chips toward the putting green. She scored a 64 in the golf meet with Tarkio and Mound City.